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RE: test

in #starnote5 years ago
  jsipfs add [file...]                    Add a file to IPFS using the UnixFS
                                          data format
  jsipfs bitswap <command>                Interact with the bitswap agent.
  jsipfs block <command>                  Manipulate raw IPFS blocks.
  jsipfs bootstrap <command>              Show or edit the list of bootstrap
  jsipfs cat <ipfsPath>                   Fetch and cat an IPFS path referencing
                                          a file
  jsipfs cid <command>                    Convert, format and discover
                                          properties of CIDs.
  jsipfs commands                         List all available commands
  jsipfs config <key> [value]             Get and set IPFS config values
  jsipfs daemon                           Start a long-running daemon process
  jsipfs dag <command>                    Interact with ipld dag objects.
  jsipfs dht <command>                    Issue commands directly through the
  jsipfs dns <domain>                     Resolve DNS links
  jsipfs file <command>                   Interact with IPFS objects
                                          representing Unix filesystems.
  jsipfs get <ipfsPath>                   Fetch a file or directory with files
                                          references from an IPFS Path
  jsipfs id                               Shows IPFS Node ID info
  jsipfs init [default-config] [options]  Initialize a local IPFS node

                                          If you are going to run IPFS in a
                                          server environment, you may want to
                                          initialize it using the 'server'

                                          For the list of available profiles run
                                          `jsipfs config profile ls`
  jsipfs key                              Manage your keys
  jsipfs ls <key>                         List files for the given directory
  jsipfs name <command>                   Publish and resolve IPNS names.
  jsipfs object <command>                 Interact with ipfs objects.
  jsipfs pin                              Pin and unpin objects to local
  jsipfs ping <peerId>                    Measure the latency of a connection
  jsipfs pubsub <command>                 pubsub commands
  jsipfs refs-local                       List all local references.
  jsipfs refs <key> [keys..]              List links (references) from an object
  jsipfs repo <command>                   Manipulate the IPFS repo.
  jsipfs resolve <name>                   Resolve the value of names to IPFS
  jsipfs shutdown                         Shut down the ipfs daemon
  jsipfs stats <command>                  Query IPFS statistics.
  jsipfs swarm <command>                  Swarm inspection tool.
  jsipfs version                          Shows IPFS version information
  jsipfs completion                       generate completion script
  jsipfs files <command>                  Operations over mfs files (ls, mkdir,
                                          rm, etc)

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --silent   Write no output                          [boolean] [default: false]
  --pass     Pass phrase for the keys                     [string] [default: ""]
  --migrate  Enable/disable automatic repo migrations [boolean] [default: false]
  --help     Show help