Navigational Error - [Otherworldly encounter] - A Poem by Rebis

in #starseed7 years ago (edited)

This is My first video -and I end up reciting you a poem I wrote some time ago - about an incredible rather otherworldly encounter I had in the Deserts of Southern California [Palm Desert -Indio] one balmy night on the eve of Spring. I have had some intense spiritual ( possibly even extra-terrestrial) encounters, but this one was one of the most incredible and to this day mysterious.
I use the photo-based Avatar but noobie here - I can't get the photo face and lips to synch well with my voice correctly. I'm working on that. So the movement is still a bit stiff - like I've had bo-tox HA!
well - what can I say, It's a Welsh - Rebis! LOL
(That's a little bit like a Welsh Rarebit, - - since both appear to love the use of Cheese and Beer!)
(The Wings - a friend suggested them - inspired by Sufjan Stevens!)

Navigational Error - by: Rebis

(The music - in background is York - Dying Star I tried to make sure it's very low volume.)

[Photo Avatar not really Welsh - actually Manx ]

from "Isle of Mann" but Many have not heard of the Isle of Mann.

Here is the Poem in written form - and the backstory:

Navigational Error - by Rebis

i am a captain
of no consequence...

  • but i did set sail somehow -
    on your big ocean - and now
    [i fear i am adrift...]

it all happened so quickly...
that my heart braided
into starlit cords -
one palm silhouetted night
i bungeed over
your cliff.

[But then...]

  • you were the saline healing waves.
    (back and forth - against me.)
    you were that ocean
  • i wanted
    a permanent boat for.

you were that underwater
[sea secret]
i had yearned...
to at last

and There you called to me
from my T.V. ...on the airwaves...
(long before they knew this science)
along the sub-visible waves of light.

that was Merciful aeons
before my searching molecules collided

  • then compounded
    the quantum reaction
    of that ether laden night.

There! you stood at my door;

  • just like Moses
    and some secret physics
    just parted my heart.

and then i just acquiesced to
your presence
[something precious]
and this - (i think)
is the hardest part.

and now my Crimson atoms split
begging to drown the madness
or perhaps some pursuant sadness
frothing at your back ...

and i stammered:
Quick! Run across - that promised land (doubtless)
before those unkind doubts

But i am just Laurence of Indio
after tortuous hot sandy distance;
here welcoming your verdant gardens

  • making love to the banks of
    this cool lapping Nile.

how could i be blamed?
(a parched traveler)
having scarcely tasted
simply for staying my brow...
cooled somehow
[beneath your attentions’ shade]

...But then;
i am no clever navigator in this:
(my mariner’s accident.)
and i know that i am lost
on this vast oceanic drift.

and so just as it began...
now this heart unravels
those beautifully braided
starlit cords.
now i hold back my cries
and i fall - un-tethered
down this rocky cliff.


The Backstory:

(with occasional interjections from B'hanx my little furry Black monster)

The Backstory to this Poetry - an Emotionally charged Day:
In this powerful experience; I started out with my best friend a couple hundred miles distant early in the morning,
We were in Yuma Arizona being housed for the night at the Franciscan Mission by "father Rusty".

It was very early in the morning when suddenly - I sat straight up in bed. We were actually guests of Friar Rusty at the old Mission on the banks del La Rio Colorado. I ran in the adjoining quarters and shook my best friend awake and said, I don't know what's going on but we have to get out of here. A wave of feeling. Powerful feeling had come over me and I had awakened instantly and I felt something bordering on panic. Not quite panic - but it was like a very high anticipation mixed with intense anxiety. I have never felt this way before and there was absolutely nothing to explain it or to warrant the way I was feeling.
All I could manage to say was "we have to go now."

[ This Manx Loaghtan Sheep has nothing to do with this blog!
He's just a beautiful Manx Sheep
Some dingdongs on this planet think these beautiful creatures represent the Evil illuminati or Baphomet-simply because they happen to have two sets of horns. They are not evil and do not represent evil in any way. It is only warped damaged humans who use their images that way.]

[This sweet little Manx cat also has nothing to do with this blog but he is about to fall out of his fuzzy bed!
He is here because he is so cute and he's also a Manx! He's the boss man coordinating this blog while sitting on my lap while I try to write this!]

[ ... Rwy'n dy garu di... -B'hanx]

Well, okay We were actually only staying over in Yuma because we arrived too late the evening before and were on a research field trip to get some measurements and collect / count a specific species of monocot in a nearby Wildlife refuge and needed specific permission from the local Refuge headquarters. All the hotels were full - which is odd for such a God Forsaken place as Yuma and Father Rusty was letting us look at the old mission and invited us to stay in the guest quarters. So we thanked Father Rusty (who was in a very grouchy sour mood for some reason) and we hurriedly dressed and rushed down to the KOFA Refuge headquarters and obtained the permission we needed there and started to head out of town but after waiting for the Rangers my strange anxiety attack had calmed somewhat and I was able to calm down enough to go have breakfast at a nearby cafe. The Cafe was actually amazing - owned by the last remaining Sanguinetti Family member of the Founding family of Yuma it houses not only a museum but also an outdoor courtyard surrounded by Bougainvillea covered Towering Date palms filled with sounds of birds and flitting butterflies. Very nice. It calmed me down.

After eating we hit the road and drove north the 30-40 miles to the refuge to get on with the hiking and research gathering. However, on the way to our destination that bizarre irrationally anxiety grew once more and by the time we arrived to begin our hike it was beginning to become overwhelming once again. The feeling was so intense I wondered if it might be a premonition of some sort, but I couldn't seem to figure out why. I just couldn't seem to nail down what if anything this intense feeling was about. I have never before had such an intense feeling as if something was about to happen - and there was nothing to give me a clue as to what that could be.

The anxiety played havoc with me all day, expressing itself in different ways. First I thought maybe my friend was going to fall off one of the very steep cliffs we were climbing without any equipment. Then as he put his hand over the edge of a cliff above him I thought; "he is going to put his hand on a rattle snake". But nope. He never did. We / he never fell. No snakes. No scorpions. (and near the Colorado river are some HUGE scorpions! The Hadruras can be mighty large there.) We collected our samples and five or six seeds [after planting half of them in appropriate areas] and started coming back down. There it was again. Like a deep seated dread. I can't explain it. This time, I thought - okay, maybe he was going to fall and I wouldn't be able to carry him out. Or maybe he'd break his leg or... (trust me every possible scenario that was bad had gone through my mind. I could not shake this feeling. It was overwhelming!)
Just one bizarre completely unfounded panic attack out of the blue, followed by another each one different slightly from the one before and NONE were rooted in any kind of rational thinking. IT was as if someone had doped me with some sort of Paranoia drug.

Then as the afternoon began slipping into evening huge dark clouds began to roll in. Okay, I thought; Now I know what it is. There's going to be a cloudburst and if we don't leave now - we could be trapped in this canyon by a flash flood. There were numerous washes we had to drive through as it started to sprinkle. And as anyone from the desert knows (or should know) - just because there are only TWO sprinkles on your windshield does NOT indicate how many fell in the hills above you. That's what makes flash floods so dangerous! But once again, nothing happened. Once we were safely in the vehicle and back on the road we traveled several miles of 4-wheeling rough road to get to the main highway. Like a strange radio song I couldn't get out of my head, I could almost hear the rush of a wall of water coming at us to wash us away before we could get back up the other side. But nothing ever happened. Everything I was feeling was intense but all of it apparently irrational. The day was not over.

Finally I said to my friend: "You're just driving way too slow, let me drive" and we changed sides and I took over the wheel and drove like crazy - which is normal for me even when I'm not being driven crazy by some nameless panic attack- And even though neither of us had anywhere specific we needed to be (since our work was done). We also had no idea where we were going. We certainly were NOT going back to Yuma. So we just headed north in the general direction of home.

We headed north and by dark we ended up in an outlying community near Palm Springs. We got a hotel room and suddenly all the anxiety left me and I decided I was staying put. There was no way I was leaving that hotel room - the day had been so intense I had no energy left to go experience spring break - crazy time Coachella parties in Palm Springs.

Then suddenly my normally very taciturn best friend who, always lets other people make the decisions about what to do, did something very uncharacteristic he basically told ME what we were going to be doing. (If you hadn't guessed by now, I am the opposite, I always decide things - usually in spite of what everyone else wants and am not shy about saying it.) But this evening one day before spring equinox - My friend actually made a demand and announced: You're coming with me and we are going to go find something fun to do. "Party!" (oy!)
I was taken off-guard by this uncharacteristic display of attitude so that I simply put on some nice casual shorts and a tank top. Okay that's exactly what I had on before actually. We locked the hotel door behind us.

As we left the parking lot two very wonky incidents occurred. The first thing was that I tore my new Tank Top on a door as we were leaving and the second is that as we walked across the street from the parking lot, we were heckled by some redneck locals. Err maybe they weren't local actually because the area is pretty progressive. I'm thinking some red neck farm boys slipped their guards somewhere near Calexico maybe. I'm not sure why we were singled out to be heckled since we weren't doing anything out of the ordinary - unless you count the fact that "no body walks in L.A." and therefore walking was considered a strange behavior? - even though we weren't in L.A. (Wow do people still listen to new-wave?) (actually sometimes I do, Thank you very much!)

On both counts I was ready to go back to the Hotel room (it seemed like a valid excuse) and the adrenaline from earlier anxiety was starting to creep back up again. My friend once again said something very unlike his normal self and said: If you don't go out, How do you expect the world to see your spirit?
Okay. Now that truly floored floored me, I gotta say.
Very very strange of him since (unlike myself) he was not at all spiritually inclined and considers all that to be woo-woo stuff. (that's point 1) and (point 2) - well the second strange point is that I shut my mouth and just listened. mostly out of surprise. But that's pretty amazing in itself.

He took me somewhere - I have no idea where it was or even the name of the place. It was like a mini-Coachella inside a very large building but with DJs not live bands. It appeared that he had been there before. It was some sort of big loud EDM night club - not quite like a rave but similar. And from the very long lines outside waiting to get in apparently it was "the" hot place to be - no pun intended. I could hear the Deep House dubstep coming from inside reverberating in the amazingly warm night air. It was already feeling like summer here. The sky I recall was the most intense Prussian Blue I have ever seen and the glow from the already set sun still highlighted the tall impressively jagged San Gabriel peaks. It was truly magical and I almost - ALMOST - forgot about the events of the day...

He was excited to get inside - but I was put off by the stratospheric cover at the door - once again 'surprise' - He insisted on paying. We got our hands stamped and I waved him on inside and shouted I'd meet him later. I was enjoying the incredible mystical night air way too much and wasn't exactly ready to have my heart muscle forced to sync with deadmau5 just yet. (I'd go inside for an Above & Beyond however) Although a BEER would have been the ticket I'd just have to wait for that.

I found a relatively quiet place to lean against the building where I had a great view of the night sky and the huge crowd waiting to get into the venue. The crowd did not form a single line because a lot of people came together and so it only funneled down to single file at the last possible moment. There were at least 150 people or more waiting in the outside crowd to get in and even though I was already allowed to go inside they kept stopping entry until people started leaving - or at least that's what it looked like they were doing. That meant the place was packed inside and there were at least three bars inside and as many dance floors in addition to a large outdoor patio in back. (I was to find all this out later)

As I stood there rather lost in thought wondering about the very odd anxiety attacks I had been so overcome by for the entire day I was absentmindedly looking over the crowd mostly in the shadows and at least 30 feet from me milling around to pay the cover. As I looked over the crowd - for a split second I saw the top of the head of a person (no way to actually physically tell at this point if it was a man or woman) because all I saw literally and for literally only a second - was no more than the top 1 inch or so of hair of someone completely hidden in the crowd. I saw no features, no clothing, no face, nothing gender specific save for the fact that the head being 1 inch or so taller than most was most likely a male.

This came out of my mouth, out-loud, for absolutely no foreseeable reason - I wasn't thinking about it I didn't actually SEE anyone - All I could have possibly seen was the very top one inch of hair. Nothing else...
But there it was. I had for some bizarre reason just muttered "what's HE doing here!?" And I have NO clue WHO it was I apparently recognized. I had said it completely without engaging my brain. Like my brain was on autopilot.

I stood there dumbfounded for a few moments attempting to wrap my mind around what and WHY I had just said what I did. Nor was I able to fathom WHY I was suddenly feeling as if my heart dropped right to the ground.
I might have the same feeling if I had shown up for a final exam late and not knowing the answers because I hadn't studied - or because I had flat out FORGOTTEN there was even an exam. That was the kind of feeling I was experiencing.

How could that be? I'm in a strange town and am a complete stranger here hundreds of miles from home?

I can't say how I know that I know that I know. Because I couldn't even (at that point) tell you what the person even looked like, how he was dressed or anything else. All I had seen - and only for a moment - was the very top of his head. Even the hair color was in question. The only thing NOT in question was how powerful this felt. the anxiety of earlier that day had returned. Somehow I knew that I KNEW that this was someone I had SOMETHING to do with. But what?

Well. I lost him. He had to be in the crowd still but if he was I couldn't see him. I tried looking for anyone that was a bit taller than others and same basic hair color. I could not see a single person who seemed to possess the same head-top that had elicited this bizarre reaction. I spent twenty minutes or more waiting for him to come through the Bouncer / pay area. Convinced he had NOT seen me (since I had only seen the top of his head) and also convinced that - if this was a legitimate impression - that I would be able to surely feel the exact same reaction if I saw him when it was his turn to pay for his entry cover charge.

But as the last of the crowd was allowed to go into the venue I was never able to find who ever this person was, so I assumed he must have slipped by me and I decided it was time to venture inside for the first time that evening. Clearly somehow this mystery person had paid and I missed it and they were already inside.

I went from room to room. The place was big. And it was packed. But I saw no one that seemed to fit what meager description /mental picture I had of this person.
I decided to try to find the friend I came with and walked through a narrow hall from one of the large rooms going into another.
I was aware suddenly of someone - They placed their hand on my shoulder - directly behind me.
I turned... There he was. A total stranger - and yet - this was not a stranger. We both knew it.

  • meanwhile -
    [B'hanx sez: OMG! Storee too long...]

Gwahardd Straeon Hir!


[Okay B'hanx! -I be finished soon den kin has cookies!]

I said nothing for several seconds - I think my mouth was frozen.
So clearly - it wasn't just ME who had this uncanny feeling and strange reaction.
He had contacted me - when my back was to him so he must be going through the exact same bizarre sense of recognition?
We sorta just stood there frozen for a bit. This was just too much. It was him. But I didn't know him from Adam
and yet apparently HE had had the exact same reaction to me as I had had to HIM and while I was looking for him he was looking for me too.
This was kind of like my avatar when my computer locks up.
First words from the complete stranger. We both said it at the same time:
What are YOU doing here? That was my question. What are YOU doing here?
He smiled vaguely. We were on the same page because Without words we headed to the nearest bar to get a beer.
(Definitely on the same wavelength there.)
I immediately began with the fact I was on a trip locating a specific plant species...
he stopped me...
W. filifera?
..uh.. as a matter of fact!
(Now, Few can tell the difference between a Cornstalk and Sorghum stalk much less give a correct botanical name to most plants ! )
We ordered two drafts and decided to go out to the patio where the music wasn't so loud.
Nothing happened for a long while - we just sat drinking our beers.
IT was as if we knew each others' thoughts. Speaking seemed to force something.
Why did I dread this meeting. Why or HOW did I know this was coming all day long? - What was this overwhelming feeling t- that I wasn't ready or was ill-prepared? Why was I feeling that today was like a TEST day and I hadn't studied?

I believe we both knew deep down what the dread was.
Meetings of two separate incarnations of the same person - but in two bodies I don't think is normally supposed to happen. Only special circumstances warrant such an encounter. It's like touching two positive wires together from two different circuits without a ground. Ooops.

I think maybe it's not only irregular but maybe almost like it's forbidden during our missions.
The fact it was happening (and I have a lot of information I'm not giving here that would prove my point)
meant that something big was happening - or about to happen. At least in our world.
We are like two splinters - if that's the right word - of the exact same soul group but having two separate incarnations in two separate bodies.
I have at least one maybe two more I'm pretty sure. But this one - Eoan, (Eamonn) I think must have been very important for some reason.
For some reason we both needed the reassurance we were on track - just before the proverbial Sh*t hit the Fan.
but the encounter actually left me devastated for a long time. There was intense (not physical) but intense love/ connection there. For months I grieved as though someone had died. It was powerful and overwhelming.
I think now that:
I was his / he was is my / Back up plan. Plan B.
In case I should fail my mission - in case he should fail his because our mission was-is one and the same
although two different portions of the same mission.

It was like looking at myself - a twin. We didn't look alike but we were of an identical spirit.
There was no mistaking for either of us. We both knew this instantly.
You should watch the series Continuum. There are some parts of that series that reminds me of this.

We were without words most of the evening.
And we both were keenly aware that we actually were in some very 'iffy' quantum territory.

For one thing, I think (THINK) that As a rule ONE is not supposed to meet or run into ONES' Self or another of your-selves.

I know that I didn't want to be there. Turns out he was dragged there as well.
And after the encounter I think we were both overwhelmed.

It was so happens that at that very moment elsewhere on the planet (unknown to us at the time)...
Alex Collier says: The Andromedans actually said that - at this precise moment for some a reason they could not determine - all the black holes in our Universe (or galaxy?) began emitting a specific tone and a specific color. One they had never before heard. I believe the tone was a B flat and it's the lowest recorded note ever. Also the color I believe was an aquamarine blue green.
They had no explanation for it but it was the beginning of something pretty heavy. Our part of the galaxy was being upgraded and passing through a special wave of energy to transform it.

But we knew nothing of that at the time. Well not nothing but we were not very cognizant of that nor the connection at the time. I think (now) that We were only supposed to meet - our higher-self had arranged this -and reassure each other for the mission ahead. I think the odd thing is that we only have one higher self since each of us are from the same higher self.
That's all. But - as mundane as that sounds - It was gut wrenching. And completely inexplicable.

So now - I hope I don't fail.
and because I worry I will - then I hope he doesn't fail.
Best case - we both succeed in this partricular mission.
Everyone has a mission. We can ignore it. It might not be 'lofty' in our terms of thinking. We may not remember it.
but each of us made an agreement to work out something or work on something or be somewhere before we came here. Just by being here we may be doing what we agreed. Everyone is equally important. Some may seem to have greater responsibility but not anyone is greater than anyone else.

But I don't always feel I am doing all I can or the best I can. I have a lot of anguish over this.

But - We I realized that we are Rebis.
Eoan [ Eamonn ] and Rebis - I also learned the name of the group we are from.
it came to me over the years. It would well up from inside me. It wasn't a 'knowing' it was just 'knowing'.
I can't explain that. But if I say it - it brings tears to my eyes.
I know that the so called 'name' is actually an approximation of the 'sound' this giant being or group of beings (made up of perhaps millions or billions) makes as it whooshes in a giant spiral as seen from very far away in the universe. It's one sound that is very long and repeats. Beings are recognized by their sound. That becomes their name. So it can't actually be 'said' in any language it can only be approximated. This would be a little bit like saying that the words: Bark bark bark is what a dog says. Or Baaa is what a sheep says or Moooo is what a cow says. How do you write those sounds? You can't - that's the answer. Try a hard one - like write down the sound a Dolphin makes when they communicate or a whale. So that's why I can't say the name but I know in my heart / head what the sound is even though it may take thousands and thousands of years just to complete a single cycle of that sound before the sound repeats. That is the name of the group I am from. You might be too if you resonate with this. You may be and still not resonate - if it's not your time yet to remember things. We are protected from ourselves this way. We are often protected from the incredible sabotage we would do to our own missions sometimes simply by having the details wiped (temporarily) from our conscious minds. Not all of our 'amnesia' is the fault of those who operate under the flag of deceit, control and evil. Much of it is from our own group or Higher-self for our own protection until it is time for us to remember.

WHERE we were (or are) from I don't know. I'm not sure there is such a thing as "where" in the literal sense.
But I know I have been here on THIS PLANET and 3rd dimension for a very long time however. But we were not originally from here. I remember coming here in a different form twice.
Two times as a microscopic group (which is funny and how I can recall it is a mystery)
(to a humans sense of size anyway since size is very relative - we think earth is big for example but not to the sun it isn't.) At that time we were a group of genetic travelers and had a very specific task which allowed another group of plants we tended to survive a cataclysm.
and once I was here as a human (but it was not third density or dimension - I know this because my feet didn't touch the ground and I glowed an almost fluorescent green - but was very human - just not homo-sapiens perhaps.) So it was not like any human you have seen on earth today. Some might have confused me for a spirit being. We left no trace here. I don't know what we were doing that is hidden from me. I saw this when I was very young.
That First time was about 50 million years ago. We left then were here again about 150,000 years ago. Both times with a specific reason.
Then one last time into Egypt. In Egypt 8000 years or so ago - a completely different type of body.
This was the important one relative to my current 'here'. Since this was when I left that body (died) to become a permanent homo-sapiens as we currently know it. A huge area of time is blocked out so I don't know what is in there. But when I came to Egypt I looked very very strange. I had No eyes. I had No ears. I had No nose. I wasn't blind I simply didn't have any visible eyes. I only had a very wide lipless mouth. When I first saw this I was very freaked out. It was so ugly. I did not recognize it as me at all. But it Seems I still have the 'big mouth' on this most recent incarnation!
This was the last time I would be considered an 'extra-terrestrial' I guess you could say. Some native Human Egyptians treated me as a 'god' because I was 8 feet tall and so very strange looking. But just because someone isn't from here and has abilities we don't understand does not make them a 'god'. There is only One. We all came from the same One. This last arrival however was when I officially abdicated my extra-terrestrial position or identity (you might say) and became fully human. (I died and when I woke back up I was a screaming human Homo-sapiens in a miniature body with ZERO memory!!)
Wow have I ever regretted that several times!

Now once again - I remember that we are from the Group: eegh-chho-achh-ckhaa (that's like saying cows go moo)
But I also know there are a small but deadly group and secretive group on this planet with power who would like to wipe eegh-chho-achh-ckhaa presence and all who are from there from the face of the earth.
So we came here as a large force and into more than one body. Not all of us are the same person although we derived originally all from One - But we are here only because of a great love inside of us - that can't be killed.
We have an incredibly simple job. To be a place holder. To hold a vibration and frequency here.
To establish a frequency - perhaps simply by being here
Like strumming a chord and humming until everyone hears it and is in tune.

I know that sounds stupid but it's true. It's a huge and important group. You might be part of it.
But this is for everyone including those who are here from this group - to give simple encouragement.
we are winning. No. We have won.
We are a large group with very specific training and skills.
I don't always feel I am very good at my job - which hasn't even started so to speak in many ways.

That evening - I left the mysterious encounter - filled with intense ineffable sadness. I know this whole thing sounds strange.
it does even to me. It doesn't fit into any other type of scenario or meeting or encounter I can think of.
There was an ineffable intense love. Not physical love. No - It was far beyond that.
Maybe like the love I felt when I lost my Father.
Sadness. Wow. Sadness that I can't even fathom and can't describe. But it was as if someone just tore my heart right out of my chest when I left there.

The music from York may sound rather Gaelic.
Many may not realize:
There is a reason that Celtic music and artists strike the chords for so many.

Tons of hugely artistic creative souls came into Celts and Celtic forerunners for specific reasons.
However, Many people do NOT know about the huge purge a holocaust really - of Celtic people that happened hundreds of years ago.
The Celts (Kelts not SELTS) were killed almost to extinction. ALL of their music and art was destroyed along with the language which almost died until it was revived by the combined efforts of some.
For many the only thing left of that time was the music of Turlough O' Carolan.
The only reason his works were left alone was because he had a friend in the high courts of the English who were killing all the Celtics. Now everytime you hear an old traditional Celtic tune it's usually an O'Carolan tune - but that's only because his work was saved from extinction when all the others were lost.
Nearly every other vestige of the incredible art and music of that time from this very old group of people was wiped from the face of the earth.
We now - today - have only the book of Kells and the music of O'Carolan and everything else was wiped from history.
IT was a genocide of proportions equal to what so many other groups have experienced on this incredibly hostile yet incredibly beautiful little blue-green marbled bowling ball floating in space. In America today many would consider me "white" with white privilege. This is malarkey. Celts were considered "black" back then and even into the 1800's of the Americas. Some Hispanic people in the US like to consider themselves 'brown' or 'of color' but remember just a couple hundred years ago - to be Hispanic in Mexico was as a "WHITE" conqueror from Europe. Just watch a Hispanic soap opera sometime. Univision has plenty. You'll see what I mean. Color is a diversion.
We are all human. Culture is important to value. White (so called) peoples come from all kinds of Ethnicities. Norge, Polish, Celtic, Andalusian, Basque, Germanic, Steppes of Russia. But for some reason the political THOUGHT police want you to think the word ETHNIC means: Black or Brown but not white? How preposterous.

Ok so off my soap box.
Well. My heart felt crushed for weeks, months actually... It still does.
Not because I lost anything. I didn't lose anything . So I can't describe it But I have become convinced it must have something to do with things that happened long before this lifetime. Or the fact that parting was just too much.
All I know is that I often feel inadequate to this task.

Eoan... so here is my prayer. I hope you are okay.
More importantly: I hope you succeed if I should fail.
SO here - I send you all my energy and light.

So, Here is the story I have used to try to describe some of the strangeness and feeling of the event.
The same event [we did not know this at the time time ] but apparently it all happened at the same time as when the blackholes throughout our galaxy - all at once began to emit a color and sound

It was at that time on that same day - that I remembered I was part of you:
Now I know that It's going to be okay.
Rwy'n dy garu di




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