Spiritual Clinic

in #starting3 days ago (edited)

Life is spiritual and must be treated as such. Lack of this spiritual knowledge will only results into spiritual bankruptcy. When God created us in His image and in the order of His likeness, despite all of those God had put in us, we were lifeless, function less, not different from wood, until there was a breath of Almighty in our nostril was what brings about functional man. Judging from even this point of view suggests to us that before the manifestation or functionality of a system in the physical must first be established in the spiritual. God is Spirit, a living Spirit, ant those who will worship Him must also be in the spirit. The communication between man and God is within the periscope of the Spirit realm. Prayer and Study of God's word are first spiritual although done physically but it's more of spiritual than physical. If not perceived as such, to get results will be difficult. One of the major thing that help us is to sustain the consciousness of God wherever we find ourselves. Let me concluded by saying, that everytime you feel the state of bankruptcy, you can always run back to God at the department of Spiritual Clinic.