Ewok vs. Porg - Cast your votes now!

in #starwars7 years ago

If you're like most of the nerd community, you ventured out into the great wide world to the local movie theater to partake in the viewing of the most recent Star Wars film, The Last Jedi, you were introduced to some of the most adorable creatures in the Star Wars universe. Porgs are a seabird occupying the island Luke has been chillin' on for the last few years and are pretty much the hybrid cross of a penguin and seal Funko Pop. Not to mention the little porglets are cute as well.

Remembering The Return of the Jedi, there was another small animal everyone loved, the little Ewoks of Endor. These also cute looking bear people were also pretty bad ass as well, but still were more adorable than intimidating. Now the question arises, which small animal species is better. It seems the Ewoks win in the combat department and have the most adorable little baby Ewoks, but Porgs can fly and have the cutest little Porglets as well.

So, I'll ask the question, which species would you most want to be your friend? Chewbacca seems to be friends the both, so I guess both is also an option.

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