Darth Maul by butterflyalchemy on Devianart
You know you created a good character when only show in the movie for three minutes, has no more than three lines of dialogue and yet is one of the most iconic faces in one of the biggest film sagas of all the times
Kidnapped when he was a child, Sidious take him way from his home planet Dathomir to train him becoming in Darth Sidious apprentice. Sidious meet Maul thanks to his sister Talzin a potential Sidious' apprentice but finally replaced by her brother. Talzin also printed the characteristic tattoos on Maul's skin before his first birthday. In his apprentice life he turned into a lethal weapon for the Siths. After the Malachor battle Sidious take Maul to the battlefield and make him inhaled the ashes of all the dead Siths in this batlle.
Feeling the pain of the fallen brothers, Maul can't wait for make justice. The revenge is the only goal that filled his mind like the water fill drains.
Spend some time before Maul finally face a Jedi. Sidious didn't want his existence were known but Maul keep hunting the opportunity to take revenge, His power make him part of the master plan to destroy the Galactic Republic and put an end to Jedi legacy. Sidious needed a statement to allow the Invasion Of Naboo that took place ten years prior The Clone War
A memorable creation from the conceptual artist Iain McCaig, considering George Lucas wanted Maul look like “his worst nightmare” We can say McCaig did a great job, but in a personal thought without Ray Park (Who also was Toad in X-Men) under Maul’s skin the result could be just another bad guy on the Sci-Fi saga. I’m happy with the initiative of Marvel to make a comic miniseries for Maul. Is in these comics We finally read about Maul’s life before Star Warst Episode I: The Phatom Menace.
I’m sure there are to many stories about Maul that We don’t know yet, but the comics give the audience enough information to enjoy the power and evilness of Darth Maul all over the galaxy.
I can’t finish this post without say that the look, the personality and his fight skills turn him in one of the most remarkable characters in Star Wars Universe, and maybe of the villian of Hollywood. He’s just a child who fights for the things He believes are right and stay loyal to that.
Regretful is a word that doesn’t exist in his vocabulary.
Nobody wears a silver earring like He does.
And He is a really good nightmare to watch in the battlefield
Till next time.