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RE: Outcast Phil: My Official Statement Regarding The Nftshowroom Incident

in #statement5 years ago

I got you fam. As an artist who is often all over the place I know sometimes all ya need is a bit of support and someone to vouche for you. In your case I see potential and figured you could use a bit of a hand getting yourself situated. For some reason people actually perceive my words have some weight so I try to use that to help others when I can.

No need to apologize to me personally, we all have those days.

Julia is good shit.

Don't worry about swoop, I'll cyberbully him when I get on to knock him back into his place. :D


Thank you KLYE,I don't know how come you get to be so sweet and hilarious even after spending so much time on programming.

lol. I spent basically a month doing fuck all. Only today have I really put in any notable hours into coding.. She's slowly coming along.

But yeah.. Coding leads to insanity. :D