
Cool i adore anime arts =)

God gifted talents :-)

you are a good artist. Keep it up!

Nice drawings!! Got more skills than I do. I can barely write legibly

Upvoted my kryptonia username is

Cool stuff! Want to see more of your art/drawings in the future!

anyways nice work! keep it up!

@laurencepauldaclag on kryptonia. please follow thanks!

Got you from kryptoniaKaboto!!! You have great talent @alexmalone!

Nice one, wish I could draw.. Username is the same as on Kryptonia.

Nice! keep it up! You can be a famous artist one day! :D

-Krypt @josephlacsamana


Krypt - zaid

Nice post
Kryptonia bitcoinpaul

Beautifully done! You should look into some of the drawing contests here. I think you will be a winner. Here is an older list - be sure to gt new one if you look.

Unleash your creativity 22-29/01 ! List of ongoing drawing, painting and crafts contests

Coming to you from Kryptonia, but it would not let me claim the points. Still glad to support!