And the winners are...
Finale posts now, April 25, 2018, from the Final Four to wrap up to SOA's SteemIt promotion from the March Art Madness incentive (see below).
In addition to SBD already gained directly by way of SteemIt and via followers for the participants in the initiative...
1st place earned another $200 (paid in SBD • Currently that's 57.15 SBD)
2nd Place earned another $100 (paid in SBD • Currently that's 28.58 SBD)
3-10th Place earned another $25 (paid in SBD • Currently that's 7.15 SBD)
(Steem dollars currently at $3.50 USD)
New (Smaller) Initiatives
For StateoftheArts new (smaller) initiatives for about the next month or so, see...
Spring Fever
Congratulations once again to all participants in the SteemIt promotion
(from the March Art Madness initiative)Here are the Final Four winners:
1st Place
Congratulations @jeeuuzz, you just won $200 (Currently that's 63.10 SBD; Keep in mind this ratio may vary depending on time of pay-out)
2nd Place
Congratulations @matytan, you just won $100 (Currently that's 31.55 SBD; Keep in mind this ratio may vary depending on time of pay-out)
3rd Place
Congratulations @jonatftforest, you just won $25 (Currently that's 7.89 SBD; Keep in mind this ratio may vary depending on time of pay-out)
4th Place
Congratulations @life-on-earth, you just won $25 (currently that's 7.89 SBD; Keep in mind this ratio may vary depending on time of pay-out)
Reminder to all participants
If you haven't done so already, be sure and email stateofthearts02@gmail to coordinate pay-out/or up-vote/details.
This has been a fabulous initiative from start to finish and thoroughly enjoyable too!
There has been some great work to peruse and discuss, leading to the culmination with the very best entries showing great stamina. I have truly engaged with a few of the artists who are featured. Becoming part of a community is always a great feeling and you are to be commended on this.
I sent an e-mail about the time I was named as 7th place, this may have been too soon may have been buried in a mass of correspondence since, please let me know if you need further details or for me to re-send a message.
Thanks again and take great care :)
Thank you so much!!!!! @stateoftheart ! Can't express my gratitude into words! Thank you so much for this! This will really help me! Thank you .
also-awesomeMassive congratulations to awesome @Jeeuuzz and to the @matytan you were 100% worthy finalists. Happy to have shared this platform with you over the last few weeks, you guys make me feel inspired and empowered :D
To everyone who has taken part over the last 7 weeks or so, it's been fun and everyone contributed to that so massive back-pats all round.
@stateofthearts Thankyou, thankyou THANKYOU!
Thank you so much :).
Thank you so much for this. Congratulations also to you sir. Its been an honor to be with you during the 7 weeks of sharing our entry.
Wow! Finally! can't wait for it!
I've already sent an email to your email add Sir. [email protected]
Good deal. I'll follow up to make sure they sent award.
Good day Sir, I still haven't received the prize yet.
Hi jeeuuzz, just wanted to follow up. Looks like the transfer of $200 (currently that's 57.15 SBD) has been completed directly to your account!
Wow! Thank you so much @stateoftheare I've already recieve it. Thank you so much for this amazing oppurtunity more powers to @stateoftheart we always admire your support to every artists in steemit
Though 58 sbd is little bit short to 200$. Its okay for me. It's up to you if you make adjustment 😂😂😂
Lately the SBD has fluctuated between $3 and $4. As it's constantly adjusting we established the above mark right in the middle at $3.50. Just wanted to follow up.
hey i havent get my price yet.
Thank you so much.