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RE: Statewars - California - Symbols

in #statewars7 years ago

@mariannewest I am honored that after all my comments, replies, and persistent bothering/begging that you've given up some time to make a post! I am indeed envious of the always blue skies of California, the beautiful mountains/hills, and the neighboring ocean.

Texas has most (Gulf is pretty much an ocean right?), but not right on top of each other like California. San Antonio is probably the closest thing we have to California subtly tells you to go check out his latest post on San Antonio, but I don't where you could find any information out about that city?

In all seriousness thanks for participating and trying to persuade me to give up Texas, but it ain't happening ;)


Thank you for putting this challenge together!! Believe me, I want to do them all. But I need to learn to type faster and not make so many mistakes I have to go back and fix :)

I have never been to San Antonio but heard a lot about it.
And you with all your prodding!! Stop poking me - I am already running to check out your post lol