Ever since the Treaty of Westphalia, the institutional churches in the West have intensified their harlotries with and within Babylon. However, this corrupting leaven (the "yeast of the Pharisees") is already present and fermenting within the community of truth since the beginning of time, and even after the latter revelation of the fullness of Truth in Jesus Christ.
The Constantinian Fall of the Western Church (yes, you read that right....I did not here mean the "Fall of Constantinople") represents a notable institutionalization of this counter-religion or False Gospel within the Church.
Humanity's entry into the third millennium after Christ is now therefore strangely marked by a Church whose visible bedfellowship with the State is near total in scope -- encompassing most of all traditions, whether Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, West or East.
The understanding that the Gospel has created and is creating a new political community (the "Kingdom of God") is nearly totally eclipsed, save, of course, for the few prophetic voices that are always graciously preserved.
Another ironic historic notable is that the above phenomenon coincides with the reality that the Islamic faith has nurtured a far more robust (dare we say, far more Christian) view of the political nature of the community of faith (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummah).
A relevant article: