This report covers payouts made between:
September 8, 2016, 12:00 am UTC and September 8, 2016, 11:59 pm UTC
Total SBD paid: 25 932.159 SBD
Total VESTS paid: 126 054 109.351 VESTS
SBD and VESTS payouts chart:
Top 50 overall SBD earners:
Rank | Account | Posts | SBD | VESTS |
1 | @ericvancewalton | 3 | 1 780.556 | 6 899 577.897 |
2 | @dantheman | 4 | 1 211.651 | 4 792 498.297 |
3 | @jamielefay | 2 | 959.452 | 3 720 018.062 |
4 | @knozaki2015 | 4 | 927.916 | 3 619 191.843 |
5 | @gavvet | 3 | 812.119 | 3 168 337.167 |
6 | @cryptogee | 2 | 803.236 | 3 125 899.660 |
7 | @sirwinchester | 4 | 799.345 | 3 105 881.335 |
8 | @xeroc | 2 | 689.686 | 2 914 379.663 |
9 | @charlieshrem | 2 | 675.905 | 2 682 148.178 |
10 | @infovore | 1 | 623.827 | 2 442 116.147 |
11 | @lobotony | 1 | 559.734 | 2 169 953.235 |
12 | @dollarvigilante | 1 | 522.074 | 2 136 938.808 |
13 | @ozchartart | 2 | 428.687 | 1 659 984.884 |
14 | @opheliafu | 5 | 416.965 | 1 620 147.059 |
15 | @dannystravels | 1 | 404.374 | 1 567 843.770 |
16 | @terrycraft | 3 | 384.424 | 1 492 485.579 |
17 | @kencode | 1 | 340.469 | 1 322 878.647 |
18 | @cryptovpn | 1 | 329.564 | 1 276 654.886 |
19 | @anwenbaumeister | 2 | 320.521 | 1 310 299.215 |
20 | @enric | 1 | 311.640 | 1 208 207.684 |
21 | @jpiper20 | 5 | 302.867 | 1 175 103.471 |
22 | @donkeypong | 2 | 293.705 | 1 177 856.606 |
23 | @bridgetbunchy | 1 | 270.317 | 1 058 620.158 |
24 | @calaber24p | 2 | 258.211 | 1 021 067.425 |
25 | @vermillion666 | 1 | 253.199 | 981 362.095 |
26 | @liberosist | 2 | 227.938 | 914 512.544 |
27 | @edgeland | 1 | 216.921 | 856 653.429 |
28 | @liondani | 1 | 216.012 | 839 933.684 |
29 | @honeyscribe | 1 | 205.822 | 798 479.316 |
30 | @masteryoda | 4 | 199.798 | 782 242.109 |
31 | @serejandmyself | 1 | 175.947 | 685 379.144 |
32 | @kental | 2 | 174.046 | 672 550.891 |
33 | @churdtzu | 2 | 165.644 | 646 906.917 |
34 | @hilarski | 1 | 165.375 | 640 650.493 |
35 | @chronos | 1 | 161.141 | 624 684.527 |
36 | @kobur | 2 | 151.517 | 587 462.215 |
37 | @stoner19 | 1 | 151.208 | 589 522.658 |
38 | @tracemayer | 3 | 150.679 | 595 466.540 |
39 | @marius19 | 4 | 148.163 | 574 984.413 |
40 | @eneismijmich | 3 | 138.522 | 538 601.656 |
41 | @kimal73 | 2 | 138.163 | 535 733.803 |
42 | @jesta | 1 | 132.393 | 518 473.399 |
43 | @gonzo | 2 | 128.728 | 498 573.949 |
44 | @jacor | 3 | 122.785 | 476 661.371 |
45 | @hunterisgreat | 3 | 121.733 | 472 799.079 |
46 | @gardenofeden | 2 | 119.077 | 461 671.237 |
47 | @ocrdu | 3 | 115.695 | 448 475.550 |
48 | @poeticsnake | 1 | 112.989 | 438 051.662 |
49 | @tanyabtc | 1 | 111.066 | 430 741.563 |
50 | @krishtopa | 2 | 110.999 | 429 256.217 |
Top 50 overall VESTS earners:
Rank | Account | SBD | VESTS |
1 | @ericvancewalton | 1 780.556 | 6 899 577.897 |
2 | @blocktrades | 0.010 | 6 306 223.483 |
3 | @dantheman | 1 211.651 | 4 792 498.297 |
4 | @jamielefay | 959.452 | 3 720 018.062 |
5 | @knozaki2015 | 927.916 | 3 619 191.843 |
6 | @gavvet | 812.119 | 3 168 337.167 |
7 | @cryptogee | 803.236 | 3 125 899.660 |
8 | @sirwinchester | 799.345 | 3 105 881.335 |
9 | @xeroc | 689.686 | 2 914 379.663 |
10 | @charlieshrem | 675.905 | 2 682 148.178 |
11 | @infovore | 623.827 | 2 442 116.147 |
12 | @lobotony | 559.734 | 2 169 953.235 |
13 | @dollarvigilante | 522.074 | 2 136 938.808 |
14 | @berniesanders | 0.000 | 1 903 414.805 |
15 | @ozchartart | 428.687 | 1 659 984.884 |
16 | @opheliafu | 416.965 | 1 620 147.059 |
17 | @dannystravels | 404.374 | 1 567 843.770 |
18 | @terrycraft | 384.424 | 1 492 485.579 |
19 | @smooth | 4.863 | 1 385 709.868 |
20 | @nextgencrypto | 0.000 | 1 371 389.829 |
21 | @kencode | 340.469 | 1 322 878.647 |
22 | @anwenbaumeister | 320.521 | 1 310 299.215 |
23 | @cryptovpn | 329.564 | 1 276 654.886 |
24 | @enric | 311.640 | 1 208 207.684 |
25 | @donkeypong | 293.705 | 1 177 856.606 |
26 | @jpiper20 | 302.867 | 1 175 103.471 |
27 | @wang | 0.000 | 1 154 545.345 |
28 | @bridgetbunchy | 270.317 | 1 058 620.158 |
29 | @calaber24p | 258.211 | 1 021 067.425 |
30 | @vermillion666 | 253.199 | 981 362.095 |
31 | @liberosist | 227.938 | 914 512.544 |
32 | @edgeland | 216.921 | 856 653.429 |
33 | @liondani | 216.012 | 839 933.684 |
34 | @riverhead | 2.865 | 809 585.590 |
35 | @honeyscribe | 205.822 | 798 479.316 |
36 | @masteryoda | 199.798 | 782 242.109 |
37 | @steemit200 | 0.000 | 777 873.130 |
38 | @serejandmyself | 175.947 | 685 379.144 |
39 | @recursive | 0.026 | 683 608.926 |
40 | @complexring | 0.000 | 675 443.892 |
41 | @kental | 174.046 | 672 550.891 |
42 | @steemed | 0.000 | 662 087.509 |
43 | @churdtzu | 165.644 | 646 906.917 |
44 | @hilarski | 165.375 | 640 650.493 |
45 | @chronos | 161.141 | 624 684.527 |
46 | @tracemayer | 150.679 | 595 466.540 |
47 | @stoner19 | 151.208 | 589 522.658 |
48 | @kobur | 151.517 | 587 462.215 |
49 | @au1nethyb1 | 0.000 | 576 973.192 |
50 | @marius19 | 148.163 | 574 984.413 |
Top 50 paying posts (author reward):
Previous report: September-7
💙💙💙🔊 @masteryoda 💙💙💙
Thanks for the stats as always @masteryoda!
thank you ....... thank you.......
thank you :D
Nice one mate thanks for the daily fix:)
Thank you for daily @masteryoda!
Thanks for post! Good job!
👍👉 @masteryoda 🔱🔝🔝🔝
Thank you @masteryoda!
Everyone having fun looking for their name? :)
Thanks for the post.
Gotta Love it ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍✅🆙Thank you again Everyone for Supporting the master @masteryoda
thanks @masteryoda for today's stats...
@masteryoda is no.1 stats keeper... cheers...
Thank you for today too
CongratsHi! @masteryoda @cryptogee Was the first place.
very attractive post :D
nice job !!!
super amazing post :D
wonderful post..........thank you very much :)
💙 @masteryoda 💙 keep up ur great stats
I am thankful always for your post for it made me keep updated, thank you .
keep it up, day I will make it again.
Thanks for the statistics @masteryoda. This good work keep us update.
@jbouchard12 that latest post pushed you up!
Thanks @masteryoda, now I see much more 100-500 SBD posts.
Thanks for the updates as always!
Excellent work @masteryoda, keep it up!!
thanks for daily update
so nice work
thank you :)
great job @masteryoda
thank u very much
very inspire-able post.
Upvoted :D
tremendous efforts :D
the rewards of the top post are low now... i think it will become more equal and will expand across the community over the time.
Respect @masteryoda !You're the best!!
super post masteryoda :)
yahooooooo !! huge payouts :D
thanks for post :)
great post........thank u :)
marvelous post !
Thank you masteryoda <3
absolutely nice work !
Я вижу мало новы имен...
thank you very much :D
I can't believe the top 50 would donate 1/2 of these earnings to charity, BRAVO!
and by charity I mean a new account I need to setup quickly, standby....