interesting stats .... thanks for that but by the look of it 'over all time' i dont really see a reason to bring out the champagne yet. I read on aggroed's feed that steemit itself, the emperor of selloffs (bills and stuff and 4 years of not even trying to get secondary income ... or do they ? i dont know, i hear a lot about bring-a-friend-and-some-money and a lot about masses ... of which they dont seem to understand much but im not gonna repeat that rant here lol)
steemmonsters made a massive move adding , i think, might be off with the exact number 120000 SP to the account but they're a prime example of 'green' business ecology, actually getting income from outside and using the platform for business i think the way it was described was "steem is a business expense for us" :) ... praise be ...
It's in the hands of the whale ... in over two years now for me i have spent plenty of spare copper pieces on buying steem at the end of the month, and even if i powerdown constantly , that is to balance between accounts as most of them are utilities (best word i can find) for future use with applications and some just have to get me something to work with and HOPEFULLY something to power down as i had no intention from the start to be maecenas with my few guttertrash euros , not until i have a lot of guttertrash euros that is. BUT i have not taken out one promille steem or sbd OUT of the system yet ,
and i clearly havent gotten 100% back of what i put in (lmao) ...
i do hope the propaganda works but i fear as far as i see now, its a patch, not a solution. Instead of bringing in the masses to bring a fiver each, they need to bring in more steemonster-class titans and THOSE will bring the masses , i dont think it works the other way around, espeically not for something where you have to pay-to-post ... (steemit is too often confused with the chain it runs its DAPP on, probably primarily because half of them have developed or are in the active process of - the steemchain) but its nothing the primal and primar application running on the chain, its not the token itself ... i doubt everyone on the platform sees it how it is
anyways, thanks a lot @socky !!! class and fact as always :)
You must be starting from scratch...... LOL
What I mean is it seems like you have a new account just started this month, but clearly know your way around. 2 years of buying STEEM. Wherever it is at, I hope it is still doing good.
Steemit leads are clearly not business minded. My opinion is that the HF does nothing for the price of STEEM even though it was advertised as a mechanism for boosting the price. Hell, I remember when they announced that @elipowell was taking on the lead position at Steemit Inc. I went and found her resume and provided a link for everyone to review. I pointed out how she was not qualified for the job, but nobody seemed to care and were more worried about how she hasn't posted anything. I'm hoping that they will come around eventually and realize what they need to do.
I just wonder if their power downs "emperor of selloffs" will break the cycle. Still, this recent round of powering up has peaked my interest. Personally, I'm glad that Steemit is dumping their assets. It gives those powering up a chance to take the lead in growing and developing STEEM.