The One & Only REAL SteemFest By @roelandp A Tribute & Story Of The Legend That is SteemFest

in #steamiest7 years ago (edited)

SteemFest was one of the greatest events that I have ever been a part of and has touched many peoples lives. I would say it would be very difficult to create an event as good as or better, except for that @roelandp already outdid him self after SteemFest 1 in Amsterdam when he put on SteemFest2 in Portugal. So it just may be possible!

What I can guarantee is that it won't be a 2.5 shortcut of which diminishes that greatness.

I know everyone who was at SteemFest2 is already waiting for SteemFest 3 and while we may wish it was sooner will eagerly await SteemFest3 whenever it is that @roelandp decides is right.


We don't need nor want a shortcut a 2.5 shortcut that diminishes the greatness no matter how eager we may be.

In truth waiting may be hard, like a child waiting for Christmas, but if Christmas were every day then it wouldn't be special now would it?

I am grateful for @roelandp for dedicating so much vision, time, energy and resources to making SteemFest happen not just for those of us who got to attend, but also for the benefit of the WHOLE of Steem.

IMG_6120.JPGI am also impressed by the world class event and reputation the SteemFest name deservingly holds. @roelandp really has done a great job and deserves a mass amount of credit and respect for such a high class event!

Not to mention he is Steem number 2 witness! On top of that he has never solicited me for a witness vote or even mentioned it. He is our #2 witness not because he begs or bribes us for it, but because he has proven to be capable and trustworthy and we WANT this beloved platform in his hands!

If you have not voted for @roelandp for witness this would be a great time. I know he won't ask any of you for it, so I will.

Art Gallery for SteemFest2. I got to meet @roelandp for the first time in Lisbon Portugal as I arrived early to help set up the Steemian

@roelandp was smart, real, kind and very generous. Oh and did I mention has some great style?

I had the pleasure of helping him for a few hours at the LX factory and was one of my most memorable parts of the SteemFest experience and it hadn't even started yet!

Then the next night he threw a party for all the people registered for the Hackathon and opened a bar tab for us all so we could relax, have some drinks and get to know each other. Everyone there had a great time and it was very clear @roelandp was a GrandMaster Host.

The next day was the Hackathon and he had a really cool room at the LX factory set up for the Hackathon with all the espresso you could drink served to us by a beautiful woman who made it fresh each time.

There was lunch, dinner and a space provided for the hackathon for 24 hours.

Of course @roelandp was working hard the entire time.

The next day was registration for the event and I felt like I had already been at SteemFest for 2 days!

The registration desk was run by @firepower and his crew who did a great job. It was clear there were a lot of people who loved and respected @roelandp and his works. Everyone got a bag full of swag including two t-shirts, Steemit water bottle, stickers and more.

Then we had a truly awesome meet and greet pre conference party which was packed with hundreds of Steemians from around the world! There was fresh squeezed juice, appetizers and all the wine and beer we could drink!

The conference hadn't started yet and I already felt like I got more than what the ticket cost....

The next day was the first day of the conference which was at the glorious Balem building and there were two rooms which had presentations all day long....Well besides when we were all feasting on a beautiful lunch which was also included in the ticket.

I know I have been saying it for months now, but I will do a whole post on this day soon

Everyone had an amazing time and there was a lot of great presentations.



But wait theres more! Then there was a cocktail party on the patio while we waited to be seated in a private dining hall with a $100+ meal served to us in multiple courses....


Did I mention I thought I had already gotten my ticket value out of this amazing Fest?



But wait theres STILL more LMAO....We still had a whole next day in another gorgeous venue...


IMG_3271.JPGJam packed with presentations of which my favorite was @dougkarr @ericvancewalton and @andrachy releasing the @hardfork-series !

I also did my presentation on that day. (I know I have been saying it for months now, but I will do a whole post on this day soon)

awesome lunch and drinks....


Here is a link to his after movie. An awesome group photo of which @timsaid had a drone for and got really epic content, be sure to check it out.


Then another 5 star meal.....


Then A SteemFest club party.....With a comedy performance by @jerrybanfield LMAO

Then the next day we had a day out on the town with various organize outings people very difficulty chose between the options.


Then that night we had the most amazing dinner and party of all in a huge indoor forest terrarium!






Now that I am writing this I can hardly believe it was real.....

Was it really real or was this just an epic wet dream I had after to much to drink???

This post does not even do this even justice nor cover the scope of vision, time and energy @roelandp has put into what we know as SteemFest. In fact I didn't even mention all the activities, extras bonus, or let alone all the awesome people that I met and made friends with. I will write posts about each part of this event hopefully soon.

SteemFest is an epic name representing this revolutionary community, one of which will live on as legend.

I made quite a few posts on leading up to SteemFest conference day one which I included in this post. I still have hundreds of photos I have not yet posted starting on Conference day one which I want to post about this truly fantastic event. Hopefully they will help shed a little more light on the scope of epic ness that it is.

So again my humble congratulations & thanks to @roelandp for creating a truly world class event that has literally changed people lives. As they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but it sure doesn't do this EpicFest justice.


Ah, it's great to re-live the event through the pictures you shared. Thank you, Quinn. :)

It really was an amazing time.

Really amazing time indeed. So glad you saw it. Great to share with you here.

Thanks for commenting.

What a fun event! I first met @roelandp standing right next to you when he opened the bar for us as we were about to buy the first drinks. Remember, we had the first and the last drinks that night.

He did an amazing job for us all on Steemfest and look forward to next year's wherever it is. I voted for him before we met.

Fantatic images bring back good memories.

ahhahahahahhahaha thats right!
You and I did have the first and last drinks of the night!
Ha you were someone who could keep up with me in the drinks, hahahaha great times!

Great post, Quinn! Roeland is one of the hardest working and genuine people I know. He's been one of my favorite Steemians from day one. Both SteemFests were absolutely epic and I'm pretty sure all of us will remember these experiences for the rest of our lives. Thank you for the kind words about our presentation. We simply cannot wait to share our pilot episode once it's finished. : )

So glad you read this and appreciated it.

I agree on your sentiments and tried to make that clear.

Yea man super stoked about @hardfork-series and looking forward to seeing the trailer!

Full Steem Ahead!

totally agree that roeland has done an excellent job so far and deserves the exclusivity of the name. jerry should have been more astute, and now needs to be realistic and come up with his own name/event. it aint that hard, to think of something original. it is hard organizing it properly. but i do like the idea that other groups try to organize their own meetups and foster community participation, whether small scale or large scale. i've always thought id rather go to a camping type meetup where people just hang out in the woods and play music and have fun! to each his own.

WoW WoW Wow!!! This is a great tribute to the event and to the master of ceremonies @roelandp. As you say, @roelandp doesn't ask for support or for witness votes, and doesn't really even like to be singled out for his contributions--but we all know without a doubt that he has made a MAJOR contribution to the connection we feel as a community here on Steemit. Our lives would not be the same without his involvement. Both Steemfests, and all of the activities surrounding them, were really top notch events. I was floored at all the personal touches he so fluidly put into play, and how flawlessly and epicly he created this experience for us all.

I'm so glad to read this post and to re-live some of the moments through pictures. There is still so much to share of this action-packed event; I'm not certain that anything we say or share will do it true justice.

Awesome post @quinneaker. I know this will inspire many to be a part of Steemfest3--wherever and whenever it may be.

Thank you @roelandp!!! Ohhhhhh so very much to appreciate!

Lol did you realize the first tag was steamiest?

Just wondering.

Auto-correct fucks me on the regular.

Looks like a blast.

I’m totally jealous.

Autocorrect FUCKED be hard on this one =(

It’s okay brother. I feel your pain.

Nice catch.... I saw the same too haha

great day and great post

what a activity ,i like your activity..


excellent photography..

Thanks @quinneaker for this long read with many beautiful pictures. It felt like I was there at SteemFest 2 and I think @roelandp really delivered a great event! Well, when I read @jerrybanfield initial post, I had a different view which I chronicled here:

I think it's unbelievable and ye... All this happend true steemit.. All this people connected and made this happen.. Almost to good to be true. But it is... That's pritty super cool.. I will definitely get to one steemit party in the future 🔮. Have a great one 🙏

Yea pretty amazing.

Rockstar you know where the next one are gonna be? 🌟🎯

Damn! This looks amazing, every piece of that experience looks amazing... We're planning steemfest in Balkan. We have around 70 active people on discord channel who're involved in all this and I can't wait.
I can't wait even more when I saw this.
Were you part of organization and if so was it hard to plan all that?
Have a nice day - @tonac :)

Is @roelandp involved?

No, that doesn't sound familiar. Where's he from?

He is the creator of SteemFest. So if he is not involved then you should not be using the name Steemfest.
You could call it a stee meetup or steem conference or come up with something original.

No no, I didn't want to offend someone. There has been understanding. We're not working and planning under that specific name I just wanted you envisage our plans. Sorry for misunderstanding, we're not here to steal names :D

nice story,,,it's great to re-live the event through the pictures.I'm pretty sure all of us will remember these experiences for the rest of our lives.I agree on your sentiments.So glad you read this and appreciated it.

wow! you are very lucky and very nice photography

Reading the post..i was imaging myself among the steemfest crew till i came across your sign off. Nice built up post @quinneaker 👍 and really aprciate roelndp effort in making such an amazing event so sucessful...👌 no doubt steemfest is the place to make steemit more successfull...looking forward to see more coming...

Yea man its really a world class event and there was a lot of time and care put into it for sure. Really it is a community event as there were a lot of people who donated time, resources and spirt to the success.

Hope you make it out next time!

Amen...i m looking forward to it and be a part of the fabulous community. Want to do lot for the community. I will for sure do my best to reach to the fest...👍

Next SteemFest will be knowing face to face toa ll of you guys! Lost the last one but next one there will be! Cheers for that!

Yes it really is a must!

Not only is @roelandp THE STEEMFEST MAN, but he can also rock a playsuit like no other.

What a good post! Go through my blog and see my new content, greetings :D