STEEM blockchain information post
This is a daily report about some interesting values of the Steem blockchain.
Total values
Last block timestamp: 2018-09-07 12:02:42+00:00 (Unix time: 1536321762)
Number of blocks: 25750637
Account count: 1132625
Last 30 days
Number of blocks: 862464 (should be 864000)
Created accounts: 31930
Last 7 days
Number of blocks: 201548 (should be 201600)
Created accounts: 12524
Last 24 hours
Number of blocks: 28861 (should be 28800)
Created accounts: 849
By coding this report bot I want to get into programming with STEEM and Python.
I am currently working on version two which will include votes, posts, comments, transfers and so on.
So this report will be more interesting soon.