I have a lovely frog and some fish. The frog is rather nice but he can be noisy at night so he gets his own room. The fish are repaxing and perfect. Both can easily be left to their own for a couple of weeks thanks to water filters and autofeeders. I am thinking of buying a fluffy white cat but they make a lot of fur and dander and I cant leave it alone for two weeks. There are a lot of low maintence pets that dont cause any allergies. I think children take up more time and money and you cannot keave them alone for even one or two days. Maybe robots can make great pet substitutes beacuse they can take care of themselves and be programmed to your liking.
Robots won't replace pets, they will just replace toys and appliances. Adult brains aren't wired to care for them. Simply turn it off. Glad you have frogs and fish, but I'm sure a cat would enrich your life much more. Find a neighbour who will take care of your cat while you're gone, pay them for their time.