I've gone through your steem-bounty forever page. These are my observations:
It is not too clear to me if am to use the steembounty forever link just before making my post originally or if am to use it after the 7 days of originally posting it so that it is renewed.
Yes I see the description extended after the 7 days of upvote to described the time the services of stewmbounty forever, but I asked myself does it continue forever? So if we're promoting that the service will make the upvotes continue forever, then we should stress that part of the services because that is what is is meant to do.
I think it is a great product, it will make many of our post we feel should have everlasting benefits rewarding always. It is kinda like royalty for music recording or films. Good job.
Posted using Partiko Android
Your post works as usual. forever just adds the ability to get upvotes after 7 days via our UI