no worries, we are currently upgrading our service it will be back up in a few hours. There were a few things that came up with all the new sign ups. You should be fine even with a few cent vote. We have tested this with users that have less.
Thanks for signing up and the patience.
@knircky Thanks for the update. My vote-power is .002 - less than a few cents. I'll check the post-HF20 impact on my votes to see if there is any point remaining in the Steem-Bounty Vote Club. Thanks again.
Your vote will still have value at 100% even after the HF. It's the small 3sp accounts or those voting with 0.4% when they only have 100sp that will be wiped away. You need to case a vote worth more then 50 vests which I believe sits under 2sp right now so you have plenty of power to have votes that register on the blockchain.