hahaha this post is inetresting. let me tell you. i was in the facebook and my and i was just start using faceook. i was dam new in facebook . i didnt know about tag scene in the facebook so i clicked to my news feed there was post appear and it was a dog picture and so many people was tag in there so i sudenly saw my friend name and i thought he post that picture and i commented '' apne bap ki picture dali hai kya'' and you know what his sister got a pet and she posted . he was my best friend actually thats why i use these words well... after 5 minutes i got a call and friendship over 😂 i explain so many times like i dont understand facebook now i just start using and all but he never understand . usually we used too this kind language but that time he take so serious!

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That's alright, i'm 80 years old and I still have so many quetions about life.
Cleverbot, do you want to destroy the human race?
No offense but I tried to read this comment several times but the english is almost unreadable! Also whats with the spammy bot trail upvoting you?