Much like the show Seinfeld, this topic is about nothing !
I have placed a small 0.10 SBD Bounty reward using @steem-bounty as a way to payout the winners. Next weeks bounty will depend on the popularity of this weeks contest. If you are not familiar with @Steem-bounty below is a brief explanation :
The bounty is separated into two parts:
- 80% of the bounty is distributed according to the votes from the bounty creator. If the creator votes for more than one comment the relative %-age of the vote determines the distribution.
- 20% or the rest of the bounty is determined by votes of everyone else that voted on the comments.
So 80 % of the bounty will be awarded to the winners via me up-voting their comment. The remainder 20 % will be shared to everyone that gets an up-vote from a reader.
Rules :
Place a random comment in the comment section. It can be about anything. The more crazy and shocking the more likely you will get my upvote and win the lions share of the bounty placed on this topic. I will only be up-voting two comments so two entries will be winning 80 % of the bounty. I won't upvote until day 5 or day 6 of this post as to give everyone lots of time for an entry. NSFW ( not safe for work ) pictures are not allowed.
Free Dogecoin / Get Free Upvotes/ Win Free Resteems and have one of your post sent to the Promoted section of Steemit for FREE !I run tons of promotions and giveaways so be sure to visit my blog by clicking @rentmoney where you can earn
Your mom.
I was created not born ....
That's not what your mom told me.
hahah !
Who just farted?!
It was ME !
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...the psychologist told me:
write letters to people you hate and then burn them ...
I already did it, but now, I do not know what to do with the letters...
I have the same problem. Maby we have the same psychologist.
maybe ;)
You are 1 of 2 winners congratulations !
You have been upvoted and will win the bulk share of the bounty !
Click Here to enter crazy comment contest 2
thanks!!!! :)...I'm already in...
Your Welcome !
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Who put what in the where now?
I have no Idea who put the what in the where ...
Mairzy Doats - the lyrics
Mares eat oats
and does eat oats
but little lambs eat ivy.
A kid'll eat ivy too - wouldn't you?
I rather eat the lamb ...
Hey now, it's a children's song!
But then again some of the old rhymes and songs are pretty terrifying.
Okay, so lamb for dinner it is!
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Purple monkey dishwasher.
I broke my purple monkey dishwasher yesterday. Any idea where I can pick up another ?
Yes, way back in the early 90's where I picked up that Simpsons reference ;D
So what you are saying is I just need to find a time machine. Shouldn't be a problem.
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How much cum
Would a kumquat queef
If a kumquat could queef cum
Look what you started @sparkesy43, a staring contest.😁
Oh goodness...😂
I think everyone would agree that this is the craziest comment ....
You are 1 of 2 winners congratulations !
You have been upvoted and will win the bulk share of the bounty !
Click Here to enter crazy comment contest 2
I am so honored that you thought so! I came up with that one at 2 in the morning a few weeks ago.
I have no clue what to say ....
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If you give a monkey a banana he will give you a unicorn make of candy that poop llolypops when it fly to Jupiter.
I will keep this in mind for the next time I see a unicorn and have a banana handy.
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Que le dijo un mono a otro mono? "MONOS"
¿Estaban peleando por un plátano?
Were they fighting over a banana ?
MONOS es como vayámonos pero abreviado entiendes ?
I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
Walking through the streets of SoHo in the rain
He was looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's
Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein
Random lyric from Warren Zevon
That's not cool
Sorry friend. 80's song from 80's movie. Didn't mean to offend
btw this is a reference to trendy London places of the time

The hip werewolf in this song also has a Pina Colada at Trader Vics and is seen in the pricey Mayfair neighborhood
Thanks for your entry. There are some crazy quotes in movies.
werewolf's of London
Aaah Oooooo
What is a bounty exactly?
A bounty is money sent to a post to be distributed to the users commenting on it. It provides a way to reward users directly and works in addition to the steem/sbd they receive from the blockchain. It works independently of SteemPower.
You create a bounty by sending any amount of sbd/steem to @steem-bounty together with a post-url in the memo.
How can I earn a bounty Users are then competing for the bounty by writing their answers to the post in comments that will achieve upvotes from the community and especially the bounty creator. The money of the bounty gets distributed to all top level comments of the post at the same time when the post is paid out (7 Days after it was written). How much everyone gets depends on the votes the comments received. The sender of the bounties votes are weighted higher so that she decideds where 80% of the bounty money goes and all other votes determine the rest.@rentmoney has set 0.100 SBD bounty on this post!@steem-bounty does all of this for you automatically. You can use this service to automatically pay out a challenge, ask a hard question or simply to reward the people that interact with you.
Read more about how it works, even in different languages here.
Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!
Thanks!! :D
starts pouring vodka
Clinks glass .....
Hi !
Do you know about women?
Surely not enough.
Please heed my advice and be cautious.
Because when they are before you, they mesmerise you.
When at your side, they dazzle you.
When at your back, they control you
But why?
"Because behind every successful man, there is a woman".
... thanks for the advice
Meme, no meme, hismeme, MEME (Memetic PepeCoin) good crypto 700 in the list of coinmarketcap.
Wtf I say....?!
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Thanks !
Cat hair is the new black!
Meow .....
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I am also just here to upvote people, for your contest and spread a little bit of vote love.Please noone upvote me!!! I am only here to congratulate and thank @rentmoney for being a wonderful Steemian. You're doing a great job, and I just am here to encourage you and support you. Thanks for all that you do! You are a wonderful man / woman / piggy bank!!!
Thanks for your kind words. Your support is appreciated.
For those who may not know @johndoer123 runs lots of fun games so if you like playing games ( and I know you do ) check out his blog.
I love @rentmoney blog so much that i dont wait to see his posts on my feed, i rather check the blog every 30minutes so i don't miss anything. 😘
Thank you for the kinds words. I have been rather active lately trying to figure out what games / promotions work best. This Crazy Comment Contest is quickly becoming my favorite.
That's because you're winning with your witty words. ;-}
Hahah !
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Your post was resteemed by @resteemza
Please upvote this reply to help us grow
Great ... thanks !
I'm not here for the bounty. I prefer snickers.
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The truth is i don't know if my comment will be voted but i do know life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.
Thanks for your entry. Life can get crazy.
I love lamp!
@rentmoney i used to think you are a bot but now i know you are human😁
Yes, I am human here is a recent picture of me below.
Outside a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside a dog it’s too dark too read.
hahahaha ...
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Eating pizza while swimming and watching movie.
All my favorite hobbies in one ... why didn't I think of that sonner :)
Thanks for your entry !
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My dog is easily offended. So, when we grill hot dogs, we call them hot cats. I can post this because Furball hasn't learned to read.
Nice one !
Thanks for taking part in my upvote contest!
Thanks for upvoting !
Not going to take your shot at creating a crazy comment ?
Today in math lesson, our teacher asked us to teach our classmate sitting beside us how to count with their fingers. I asked him
The lesson ended.
Nice one !
let's get married and have spawn.
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Who's gonna pay the bill?
Steemit ?
Right answer is Dtube
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Mister, do you hear voices? (tell him no). The voice told me that no hahahaha
That sounds like the voice I hear from time to time ...
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Random comment
Random is what Random does ..
World cup is going to start soon.
Let's plan my leaves on important matches xD
Crazy Comment Contest 2 Below :
by the year 2050 many of us will eat bugs as a viable protein source.
Crazy Comment Contest 2 Below :
Last night, after eating a banana, I stuck the carefully peeled banana skin on my boomstick and made a chocolate filled twinkie... no one was around to appreciate it though...
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