Steem Cartoon : Title Card Process

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago

header  .jpg

This is my work from an animation to parody of Ninja Turtles. In this task I was given the responsibility of creating a title card for the episode. I now share my experience in the said creation.

step 1.jpg

First I show the original idea that is taken from the storyboard.

step 2.jpg

From the storyboard I will cut into a few processes that I will include flat colour for each character by the right colour according to the character design that was prior completed.

step 3.jpg

Then I start using flat colour on the background. This part I will use different elements in different layers and I separate it according to the grass, sky and moon.

step 4.jpg

Now I will start to engage the mood on the background by using rough colour rendering.

step 5.jpg

To get a feel of the background we now move to the final rendering of each character. Here the work for rendering of each part of the character can be made easier according to the light source that I have created on the background earlier.

step 6.jpg

Now we focus on the background and do a final rendering on each part.

step 7.jpg

You can view the details of the work that I have completed. To finish this title card, I took 5 hours. The process that I use is through the software Photoshop cc. I stress on using a different layer for each element to make the editing and rendering work easier and less hassle in the event of any mistake.

credit to @zomagic


he..hee this cartoon very funny, i like this

Cool skill. Love the way you draw emotions and soft render c:

nice colors as usual. Love it :)

Can see the backlight made a big different in the whole look :)
I think its a must for all type of illustration to give it a cinematic look and further define the form i think.