aljglsjfsl omg I almost went to bed before seeing this AAAAAA SO GLAD I STAYED UP
It's awesome!! I really think I'm in love with your style, he looks so cool! +v+)
And hey, I feel ya on missing the step-by-step, man XD Sometimes I don't bother with it, especially if it's traditional art... but with digital art, I'm just like "well I GUESS I could be bothered to export it with some of the layers turned off LOL"
This is great, tho~✨
If you ever wanna do another art trade in the future man, hit me up XD
(Tho I guess I do have other stuff I need to work on before I do another alfjsljfdk aaaaaaaaa-)
Glad you liked it ^^. Good night !
Hahaha, good night! x)
Or... morning, or whatever time it is for you there XDDD //SHOT//
Naa. Its 3pm here x)