Riding the Beast
Everyone knows that riding the T-Rex is almost mythical. Every warrior that has done that are treated like the Darth Vader of the prehistoric world. They have the 'force' in them. It is the ultimate show off of testosterone. In any trash talk, if someone throws in the phrase,
'I have rode the Rex'
They will have a different type of honour and respect. Noone dares to talk to a warrior in any manner that is disrespectful. Everyone knows the code.
Micheal has done many heroic deeds but one thing which is the pinnacle of it all, he has not been on a T-Rex. The ultimate feather on the cap. He must cap this one to earn his full colours. He told Kimmie about his ambition.
Kimmie didn't quite understand. He thought that riding a T-Rex is not a big deal afterall. Anyway if Master Micheal thinks it is, then it is. Kimmie is full of respect for Micheal. It was Micheal who showed him how to pick up the village chief's daughter. It was Micheal that taught him how to steal a Stegosaurus egg and cook it into a giant omelette.
Sir, I think I know of a T-Rex that you can ride. Trust me, I can show you a place where its done. Micheal' eyes almost popped out, his Adam's apple almost burst. How is that possible? But again Kimmie is too young and innocent to tell a lie. There must be something that he didnt know.
'Show me Kimmie, I wanna earn my rite of passage'
Is it a baby T-Rex Kimmie? No sir. Its not. Its a full grown and you can hear growls as you are riding it. But I warn you sir, there will be many eyes watching you.
'Adds to the glory Kimmie. People like to see real man at work'
Okay sir, follow me. But I warn you, the public will be watching you. You better have a good ride. Kimmie knows Micheal will. Micheal seldom disappoints Kimme. Kimmie wants to be able to tell the world, his teacher is the best!
'Mom, what is that grown oversized man doing at the children's ride?' the kid asked.
'His momma probably didn't give him a good childhood son. Don't worry son, we do this ride after I am done with groceries. This man give me the creeps, and he is crying too.'
Micheal couldn't stand the humiliation, he refused to talk to Kimmie for a week.
credit to @zomagic

Lol and thus the mighty Rex has been mounted!
Lovely work as usual. Keep 'em coming!
tq @huielbashir :)