In this post, I want to learn how to create the classic feel by choosing a correct color palette. I will follow one of my favorite artist who is very good in landscape painting. His name is @aurah.
The post that I refer to is here:
I choose the same location as @aurah did but with a different view.
This is my location and view:,25.5661629,3a,75y,93.97h,97.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHI1JQ33VFHc7VJLahXV23Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Step 1 : Creating an outline
Step 2: Color the sky.
The color palette that @aurah provides didn't have a blue color. The closer color that I can choose is blue-green. But I just stick with his color palette.
Step 3: Cloud
Again... I got to choose yellow for the cloud because there are no white 😁
Step 4: Background trees
Stem 5: Grass and basic color of the house
Step 6: Making a better texture for the road and some grass
Step 7: The house
Final drawing: I put more time into detailing especially the subject of the painting. (The house)
I hope you like the result.
Okay guys... Until next time!
See ya...
Btw... Thanks again @aurah for your great tutorial.
Great illustration of the process. Makes me, with no drawing skill at all, want to give it a try.
that was very generous of you
Wow marvellous bro .That was very surprising me !honestly i can see a lot of improvement and you did a great your style. hopefully can see another virtual plein air from you.keep it up and dont give up.👍
Thanks @aurah. Credit to your color palette. I love to do it again.
Your work is beautiful. The painting looks a lot more interesting and beautiful then the original picture.
I changed the perspective a bit
As I can remember... you've always been good at landscape paintings ;)
thanks Lin
This is really cool, thanks for walking us through that. I don't think ill be able to do the same, but i think its awesome you have such talent!
Nice man! Reminds me of some paintings I painted a while back. This kind of wants me to do another painting. Awesome post and painting!
Very good picture, it was interesting to see how you made it, i geet inspiered to start my sleeping drawing career again.
fantastic work. you have great choice to made this .love the view. thanks