Steemspeak has banned me. I am glad and it is not the first time nor the only server that has ever banned me. Most, with the exception of a few are, little peoplelittle people. They have no mind of their own.. Sad little people. @fyrstikken is smart to surround himself with these
true loyaltyGood for you @steemspeak! You were the original STEEM Discord channel. Everyone after you is a hardfork. In SteemSpeak there is only one that I have seen that has to its chief. If Steemspeak and its founder were ever in a bad way, it would probably be only @inertia that would go down with the Captain and his ship.
Everyone that has spent maybe five minutes in the server, knows that SteemSpeak is filled with racists, antisemitic folk, and women haters with the exception of one. We insiders know who she is.
Lay down with dogs? Get up with fleas. Only reason I am mad for being banned is because I am a nosy fuck. Now don't know what the self-important shits are talking about.
Be assured you disciples of the STEEMSPEAK channel. Unlike Trump, your Messiah has a heart, but like any smart business man if you become a problem, you will be dropped like a sack of potatoesrevelation? An Epiphany? No honey. He became unprofitable baggage.. Ask @walden. He knows. You think that the STEEMSPEAK community had a
PR Move, just good business by a fairly smart businessman. A man I call friend and asshole in the same breath.
Oh by the way...
us poor people Mr. Booster man.No judgment from me. I am by no means a Saint. Taking away @walden's delegation was nothing more than a
#thisisnotademocracy #steemisaplutocracy #getafuckingclue #readthewhitepaper #growasetofballs
Upvote me and I will upvote you (don't want to disappoint @steemcleaners), maybe I will make you a famous witness... Uh oh you are already my witness. Get your ass to work as you work for
You see, my comments are better than most posts you upvote! Yes I am a legend in my own my mind, yet I have something to say, unlike your little hangers on and I do it quite eloquently. Most with sense have branched off and visit now and again. Take note of those that stay in your server. Some out of loyalty, many out of what can I get?
Listen to an old man, pick your friends wisely. Those that will tell you things you wish not to hear? Keep these folks close. Listen to their counsel. Those that agree with everything you say? Survey their asses elsewhere. Those men/women/others who agree with you constantly? They will destroy you.