Rock is a natural substance and the aggregate of minerals. Rock is useful in many ways but am going to talk about three rocks which are from sedimentary rock and they are dolomite, sandstone and limestone...
we start up with the DOLOMITE rock is a sedimentary rock and it is also known as dolostone {CaMg[Co3]2}. Dolomite or dolostone can use for the construction of buildings especially the designing part of the building and this type of dolomite is called dolomatic marble because marble is added to the dolostone. It also use in chemical industry to produce many chemicals like magnesium salt, magnesium oxide[MgO] which is use in pharmaceutical company and magnesia,a feed additive for livestock. Let me say that it can use to produce glass, bricks and ceramics, and also serve as oil and gas reservoil rock.
The second rock is SANDSTONE, it is a sedimentary rock of mineral. sandstone is use for artistic purpose to create ornamental fountains and status, this sandstone is the feldspar type and it contains some clay in it and other one which is quartz type is commonly use for buildings and it is best because of the resistance to weathering.
Lastly is the LIMESTONE which is composed primarily of calcium carbonate [CaCo3] in the form of mineral calcite, a rock with an enormous diversity of use. Limestone is used as a crushed stone for road base , it is use as a aggregate in concrete and it is mixed in a kiln with crushed shale to make cement. powdered limestone is used as a filler in paper, paint, rubber and plastics, and also used as a substance that absorb pollutant in coal burning facilities.