
This is the FIRST time I have EVER used a downvote, for that comment by you know who about a dating platform.
There is a very great deal I do not like about the "New Steemit", one of them being the ability to gang up on someone and downvote them out of existence,
In this instance I think the dating platform warranted a down vote.
So he/she/it got one from me.

Did a downvote, too. :-)
And I think that´s one of the few times I ever used that button.

I love you. YAASSS!😆 💕😊👙You are the best. 😸😏🖖💦👁️All We Can Do Is Our BEST. Yes!I Always appreciate you. 💦💪You are so correct. Cool! 💦😎 You Are Powerful. 🌎When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!💕Yes!I Always appreciate you. 🧠🌊The more we are in control of our emotions the better we are able to navigate life. Change is life, Change is Growth. I agree with you! Love Is The Answer. 😍YAASSS!👙🖖Use Technology To The Most Of Our Advantage. 😊💜Yes!😋 It Is Always Good To See You! 🔥Full Force. Yes!ILY. 💜🏳️‍🌈You Always push me to be better.

You Are Powerful. I agree with you! YAASSS!We are POWERFUL. 👙🖖😹Yes!Yes!😘 I like your style :). Yes!💜👁️😍😋 Mhhmmm🔥When You Commit Yourself To The Universe The Universe Commits Itself Back To You!100% ❤️😈 You Always Make Me Feel Motivated. 👙We are POWERFUL. 🌊😹Lets Connect. Yes!😹I love you. You Are So Fucking BEAUTIFUL. You Da Bomb. 🖖