1 Million Steem! And road map update for Steem-Engine!

in #steem-engine5 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, something just happened that hasn't happened yet to my knowledge. We passed 1M on steem-peg. That means we have 1M steem stored on the exchange. That's a major deal to me! We've spent months growing this thing and people continue to use it. Thanks to everyone in the community that have played a part in this, thank you to the tribes, and thank you to the loose federation of devs working together on this project to make Steem a place where asset classes can be exchanged, business can be formed, and communities can come together..


So, we're behind where I wanted to be. We've been working on a slick new Dex, but it's taking a while to implement. This shit is hard and no one on the team works on this full time. It's an opensource project and while we're growing we're still very much in our infancy.

When talking about the Roadmap I'd ask you to understand a distinction. Steem-engine.com is a front end. It's a website to conveniently view the backend graphically. The backend is the Steem Smart Contract node developed by Harpagon.

Steem Engine gets some criticism for being Centralized. The steem-engine.com front end is 100% centralized. I own it. I'm a cruel little dictator. I don't let people put up scams, and I do let things I think are a bad investment stay up. You'll have to live with that or not use the service. The backend is separate from steem-engine.com and managed by harpagon via opensource code on github where people can run nodes to verify everything that happens on it.

Backend- Decentralizening

The Steem Smart Contract Platform is managed by Harpagon and it's separate but obviously underlies steem-engine.com as the backend. He also operates the steem-peg system. The front end has no separate backend for the trading platform than the smart contract platform. That's it!

There's not one place you can go that will give us a 100% definitive answer of what is a DEX. Is steem-engine.com and the smart contract platform perfectly decentralized? Not quite, but that's something that we're planning on fixing.

(small legal note, from the point of view of the US, this is just my non-lawyer understanding, but they are looking at "decentralized" as the answer to the litmus test of "can owners change the balances?" I, aggroed, owner of the steem engine corp can not change it. I don't operate the server, nor do I have keys to it. My understanding is that is the central piece the US system looks for in their determination of "is it a dex?" Thus my attornies are confidant the answer is yes to the government even if some harsh critics on steem don'e believe it meets their definition. Of the two, the opinion and guns of the US government keep me up later at night than the random critics)

A key thing that's missing are more nodes. There is currently only one node that steem-engine.com is pulling from. That's not the end of the world because all the data is verified by Steem Witnesses on the Steem blockchain and anyone can run a node to see we're acting honestly, but it sure would be better if there were other nodes and the people operating them were all incentivized to witness blocks. Well, that's what we're doing. It's modeled after Steem, so it should be really familiar to people. We'll have a rotating set of witnesses that help assemble our chain. We expect our testnet to be up shortly after HF21 is implemented (end of August).

Steem Smart Contract Witnesses will run the code for a month or so until harpagon et al is content it's working smoothly and then we'll make it live. So, hopefully sometime around when the 4th quarter starts we'll be a lot more decentralized, and can meet the definition of DEX for both the US Govt and internet trolls concerned users.

Front End- Making shit better

As I mentioned before we're a few weeks behind schedule. I knew we needed more automation, but we also need a new Dex that's more modern than the one we started with. @beggars is the lead dev of the site, and I asked him to stop working on business automation and instead work on the dex, but during that time he had a lot of family things come up and it really slowed down progress.

Now that we're behind I asked him to go back and work on automation. What I mean by that is that we need all the Tribe stuff to have easy forms, be clear what the options do, and pay the independent devs that run the various parts automatically. So, hopefully we'll see a lot more of that shortly.

Some of this work is happening now, so the STO page is down, but should be back up shortly.


Steem-Engine.com is meant to be a place where you can easily trade one asset class for any other. To facilitate that we have to get people here, so we have the Tribes feature as a way to gather people by common interest, unite them by common financial ties, and then give all the collective people the ability to trade things without friction.

While I'm an avid anarchist I have to admint that we live in a world where beurocrats are willing to commit violence and theft against we the people. US Law rrequires things that the general crypto community would consider an invasion of privacy such as giving up your personal details.

So, the plan for the site is to make steem-engine.com have more than one layer to it. On the first layer is a pseudoanonymous exchange. On the second layer will live a KYC/Accredited exchange. The second layer will allow people that are interested to provide your private information (stuff that's on your passport) to us to allow us to meet US standards for "Know Your Customer" laws. We also hope to facilitate IEOs, ICOS, and STOs. Many of these will very likely require knowledge of whether or not you're an accredited investor. Accredited is bascially a substitute for financially well off. So, we'll ask you to supply some financial data about yourself too. If you do those things you'll get access to a separate website that will allow you to trade things like restricted securities, and participate in investment rounds if eligible or accepted.

In order to facilitate the IEOs we'll be working over time at making steem-engine have a kickstart-esque feel where projects can come, make a page, describe what they are doing, and launch. We'll charge a fee for this service and be co-investors in these projects.

A main reason for making steem-eninge is knowing that if you can aggregate money somewhere one can setup a business, and since I want businesses and communities to come to Steem it's been imperative to get a means to aggregate capital here.


One feature that had problems was the Airdrop. We had a few difficulties. Sorry for your troubles if you had them. I asked @beggars to take it down. It wasn't his main focus and it was causing a lot of distraction and headache keeping him away from his main focus of getting the site up and running.

I contracted with @ali-h who in very short order got a sweet little system up and running. We can make lists, make airdrops, and run claimdrops. The process for the few people that have already used the service said it was smooth and easy.

We'll be charging 250 ENG for a list, 250 ENG to prep a drop. If it's an aidrop it'll cost 50 ENG/1000 users. If it's a claimdrop we'll charge your users 1 steem to get their drop. They'll send se-dropship a memo and we'll send them the token.


NFT work is coming along. I hope the initial implementation is done in August. We'll have to see, but I suspect that we'll have this thing up and running soon and likely not later than the start of the fourth quarter (oct 1).

Anyway, cruising the best I can with the best intentions of growing this thing as large as possible. 1M steem is a major accomplishment and many kudos to all involved! Thanks for supporting this project and we look forward to bringing more people, services, tokens, and businesses to the Steem-Ecosystem!



Congratulations !!!
Steem-Engine is exactly what was so needed to give this blockchain a shot in the arm. I am looking forward to growing along withe Steem-Engine!!

Do you know if the HF-21 rule "We are adding a one comment edit per block lockout to accounts" will apply to PAL and other Steem-Engine tokens?

Also does this apply to original post edits as well??
I put this question out there on steemblog post, but I think my question will be lost in the blog.....

Thanks for what you do, Steem-Engine is what we needed at the right time!!
@silvertop...Mike :)

We'll be charging 250 ENG for a list, 250 ENG to prep a drop. If it's an aidrop it'll cost 50 ENG/1000 users. If it's a claimdrop we'll charge your users 1 steem to get their drop. They'll send se-dropship a memo and we'll send them the token.

Isn't that price a bit extreme? Costing people over $100(at current prices) to do a drop?

What does for a list mean? Do you guys prepare the list with the requirement set by who wants the airdrop done? Or is it to just take a look and format the list correctly?

Prep a drop? Shouldn't having the list have it prepped as well? Whats the difference in the two?

Coding the airdrop can be hard, don't get me wrong(I've made one too), but once you get it done once, its just a rinse and repeat process. Why such a steep price that can stop many people from using your services?

@rishi556 in a Airdrop the other 250 ENG to generate a list (which is a CSV) is optional. it will generate the list of users at your given parameters, for example on the stakes of PAL, you can set min and max stakes and a Total Reward pool, it will generate a file Distributing all the reward pool with shares in Stake, its only when you want to generate a accurate list based on stakes of other tokens. users can provide there own list. so a Claim-drop is 250 ENG & Airdrop is 50 ENG / 1000 users.

So as long as user already has a list and they just want to aidrop it to 1k users, its 50 ENG. Better pricing. Confusing wording @aggroed.

haha! cheers, yeah a bit confusing i guess.

This is a great achievement

A key thing that's missing are more nodes. There is currently only one node that steem-engine.com is pulling from. That's not the end of the world because all the data is verified by Steem Witnesses on the Steem blockchain and anyone can run a node to see we're acting honestly, but it sure would be better if there were other nodes and the people operating them were all incentivized to witness blocks. Well, that's what we're doing. It's modeled after Steem, so it should be really familiar to people. We'll have a rotating set of witnesses that help assemble our chain. We expect our testnet to be up shortly after HF21 is implemented (end of August).

...this is awesome! Great news!! Are the requirements for running one of your nodes the same as being a regular Steem witness?

Congrats on the one million - y'all are really one of the best projects on Steem!

Keen to also know hardware reqs

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats, but are our funds #safu?

Posted using Partiko Android

There's not perfect way to secure funds. We do the best we can and always look for better ways to safely manage funds.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Great work. This site has been amazing to be on and see grow from a few tokens to so many now. I like all of the ideas you have for it and just hope that it all works out.

Congratulations !!!
I think that Steem-Engine is exactly what was needed to boost interest amongst the existing community and the tribes are a good entry point for newcomers to Steemit specifically and cryptocurrency in general.

I congratulate you on the success of this project. I am sure it was and still is a lot of work. I think a lot of what your doing is groundbreaking work, so there are and will be previously unknown issues to deal with and the projects success will also create previously unknown issues. This is life, math, probabilities, we need to get use to it and stop blaming. It is, what it is, we just need to be patient. Some people expect you and your co-creators to anticipate all problems and to have all the answers, this is unjust and illogical.

What we should do is marvel in the possibilities created by your group ideals, be thankful for this infrastructure and use our own ideas to keep building upon, and be thankful to those who provide and maintain this infrastructure.

So, to you and your team, a warm thank you and a toast to the future of steem-engine and steem blockchain, it’s future looks brighter, thanks to your work. 🍻


✍🏼 Shortsegments

Do you know if the HF-21 rule "We are adding a one comment edit per block lockout to accounts" will apply to PAL and other Steem-Engine tokens?

Also does this apply to original post edits as well??
I put this question out there on steemblog post, but I think my question will be lost in the blog.....

Thanks for what you do, Steem-Engine is what we needed at the right time!!

Greetings, exyle

Excelent notice, man. Thank you a lot for improve steem blockchain!!!

pretty nice update (and it's a big one...). the problem i see with mixing centralized with decentralized stuff is, it usually is vulnerable at the "centralized stuff", but i put my trust in you ;)
have actually been using steem-engine a lot lately and it is nice to see it evolve (also further down the road...).


From when you started writing such comments lmao

Posted using Partiko Android

Top effort, guys. Love your work.
NFTs are the dark horse. The Corrupted Pegasus. I can feel it.
Somebody's been waiting. When you build it, they'll find you and we'll all win.

I want businesses and communities to come to Steem it's been imperative to get a means to aggregate capital here

Thank you @aggroed :) I think everyone understands how important it is for steem ecosystem.

@aggroed, Congratulations on reaching to the 1 Million Steem and my good wishes are with you and with this project and definitely when Steemengine came into the picture then it really played a game changing role and with that SCOTBOT and SCOTTUBE brought new life to communities. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Follow the law and protect our coinz and keys.
We love our dictators.
We were born and raised that way.

Great job guys

Damn. That's huge. Good work.

Wow, that is impressive! Congratulations, well-done guys!

Wow, really impressive! I didn't know you were planning on becoming a KYC DEX ultimately, that is awesome. So excited to see all the new updates in the coming months/years and be part of the community. Congrats on the 1million! :0)

This is great news. :)
The community grows. Financial interest grows.
The Steemit project is growing.
Go on like this!!!

Congratulations. 1 million steem is awsome.
And the next step sounds amazingly exciting for all steemians.
Thanks for all the effort you have put in, to give people true freedom in a world that has none.😎

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi! What about automation? Claim and stake.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats on your success.

Whats steem-peg?

Posted using Partiko Android

Steem pegged steem on steem-engine platform.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @aggroed for steem engine to reach 1 million steem mark. It's really a great platform which allows us to trade in various tokens and creating do many resources.
One thing may be a matter of concern and that is privacy. Governments are bent on screwing people but, should people allow them to spread shit? There should be some assurance to the people about safeguarding of their identity.

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko Android

congrast aggroed :) This is awesome to see

It is very cool to be part of this new steem economy.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sound interesting and exciting, except that "charges part" for claimdrop.

... and, congratulations for crossing the biggest milestone of 1 million.

Will Steem-engine be available in a mobile friendly form soon?

Posted using Partiko Android

Probably not anytime soon

You just planted 0.07 tree(s)!

Thanks to @fuadsm

We have planted already
7541.52 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 25126.53
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

It works just fine on mobiles

Posted using Partiko Android

I can’t wait to get there if I ever do

I have to admit I did have a little fun the other night buying and selling tokens on Steem-Engine...

Posted using Partiko iOS

NFT mean?

Posted using Partiko Android

non-fungible tokens

Alright thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Still think it has been a great job so far and demonstrates the things possible with the underlying protocol. Appreciate the update and sharing the vision!

Great stride

Posted using Partiko Android

Good things my man. Thank you for all the value and energy you bring!!

All very exciting and am loving it so far!

All my respect and congrats to the brave volunteers who are not afraid to try to climb the mountain whatever its height!

How much work in such a short time! This is a useful development, I know some who should be inspired by it, Hahaha ;)


Posted using Partiko iOS

This is all very exciting.
A big thumbs up for you and everybody who is doing their part in buiding Steem-Engine into the next big thing.

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks to @heimindanger for burning 300 CT! You have been rewarded with a 80% vote. Your action makes this project grow and helps to restore a Clean Planet! Join us on our Discord Channel and on our website

It appears that have a SPF...