Hi, @elbiasto good questions to ask.
How do you want to prevent the upload of porn that is not owned by the user.
There are millions of downloadable porn videos on the Internet. It will be hard to know what content is original.
Despite the obvious "downvoting" - for which we'll have a NoPorn4u moderation account to effectivly hide such content and take back their rewards decentivizing the want to put up ripped off the internet porn. Hopefully, our higher stake owners will take the time to keep the site clean. We also have the ability to verify who is real and who isn't through a seperate onboarding mechanism. We'll know who is providing real content and give them extra rewards to be seen and bring verifiable real content to the top of the site.
How do you plan to prevent the upload of child porno ?
We'll have a "mute/nuke" option for the account that theoretically knocks them off the platform. Child porn is unacceptable and will be reported to the proper authorities if discovered.
Everything sits inside the blockchain of course so it's still has to be hosted somewhere so still a risky move on whomsoever part.
Thank you for the answers. With that mindset I think nothing can stop you ;)