So hopefully @iflagtrash gets muted by the token holder.
So am I supposed ask @coffeebuds to mute @iflagtrash @abusereports for me for the whole network???
These 2 accounts flag my weedcash posts while they are weed related, this is unacceptable!
Let's see how this muting works??
I have hard time editing comments when they are greyed out by those two bots because it causes my text editor to move constantly causing jumbled text on my part!!
Not sure why on Firefox my feed and replies to me do not show.
I only had to upvote my comment so it would be seen!
I don't ususally do that kind of stuff, this comment is important. Hopefully one of the two of you respond with exactly how I go about blocking them!
Please also block:
I agree! Block @iflagtrash & @abusereports please!
Please also block: