Surviving in Venezuela Community steemit there are our hope Help Us introduceyourself

in #steem-help9 years ago (edited)


Hello community @steemit my name is Edward Briceño i am journalist graduated from the Central University of Venezuela i have 27 years and I live in a beautiful place called San Cristobal in the Tachira State border between Colombia and Venezuela known in earlier times as the border more live in Latin America and which is now closed because of the government of this country, with natural beauties incredible but that at this time passes by a terrible crisis.

It does a pair of days I joined this wonderful community #steem for a critique that I read on its founders @ned and @dan and due to the success in so short time that has had the platform, immediately I joined the community saw a hope especially with what I am living in my country Venezuela, all these histories that of course they have read or listened sound completely true, in my country the people are dying of famine, we do kilometric tails to be able to buy a little only a little of basic food and sometimes go out without anything because the products were already finished, we can only buy 2 times per week and our salary does not reach for anything, does not come not to 30 dollars a month, this is the reason for which I see to steemit like a big hope and an opportunity to be able to help my people

This situation that we are experiencing makes it grow the solidarity with our people and my intention in writing this article is trying to carry a message to the world to be in solidarity with Venezuela and achieve with their #upvote and those of the large whales, perform a day of delivery of food in my community with the proceeds and achieve bring a little of happiness to my community, this is real I am not a robot or a scamer i do not intend to spend the money in vanalidades in reality I want to help others, my family, friends, neighbors, I would like to publish an article of appreciation with the photos of the day for you to achieve see what you can do with the solidarity of the People, that is my intention and the manner in which this community can change the history of the people and provide assistance to the growing humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.

I am a real person with a hope to help my country please friends of #steemit Help Us gift a upvote to Venezuela


You got my upvote. I hope some day you can take your country back.

Muchas gracias de verdad por tu upvote :)

Hi brother, you must follow to @chitty he is spreading the word about our sitiation in Venezuela.

gracias hermano @oecp85

I wish you lot's of luck and hope!
Greeting from Germany

gracias hermano un gran saludo desde venezuela @blackwulf una pregunta como conseguiste una reputación de 11 ? podrías ayudarme a recuperar mi reputación ?? una ballena me dio un downvote y me daño mi reputación y por ende no puedo publicar mas mi campaña

Excelente iniciativa un gran saludo a la comunidad de Venezuela desde Francia espero que reciban muchos UPVOTE

upvote for you excellent initiative Venezuelan friend

Mientras revisaba minuciosamente la web, me encontré con este post y debo decirte que esta bastante acorde de lo que sucede en el país. ¿Como puedo ayudarte con un voto? Soy nuevo por acá.