Thanks for your post, but I would like to add something more to it that the comment on a post not only be informative but you can suggest something or you can write your views about the post, you can agree with reasons or disagree with reasons that makes your comment more appropriate.
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+emee If I share this with you, will you please pass it on to the person before you? If not, it is your lucky day: This original post is over a year old. The payout only lasts 7 days. After that, your comments have zero value. You're pretty much talking to yourself, no disrespect intended. I realize that you are learning the ropes; but, you won't get a reply. I wish I could share this with everyone who posted recently; but, time simply won't allow.
@spiritualmatters thanks for your response, now after reading your comment I get to know that comments are just for making money here, not for any interest or knowledge.
I read this post before my joining to steemit, and after joining I have to read it again so that I can comment in a correct manner, that's why I commented so that the new users that find posts like this will have some additional information, But your response says alot...
If you think of it like this...we're in the ocean...little plankton, feeling our way through the dark, murky waters :+)...
RE: Comments...No, it's not really about the money, nearly as much as it is about comraderie and sharing a plethora of knowledge with other Steemians.
Yes, you only have 7 days to profit; but, you should realize that a post that is #45 in a total of 545 will get lost in the pool. It's not deliberate. It's just that people comment for seven days and Steem On!!!!
You will see that phrase a lot as you will even find yourself using it on occasion. Welcome aboard!
Peace.@emee So glad to be of help...There's a lot to learn; and, what makes this such a great community to be a part of is, knowing that those that came before us, are generous with sharing how things work. Caution: Weigh what you learn; and do your research to confirm. Sometimes, well-meaning people give less than accurate answers.
Damn... some passive aggressiveness going on here. I like it. (I reply to a comment about not replying more than 7 days after the post 2 months after it was written)
lol...I think!
Best regards!