
I can take a look to see what suggestions I can offer. :)
I'll get her on follow too. :)

Thank you! As i feel so reserved on posting. And would love to learn more about blogging. Sometimes i give all my heart out and i put alot of effort and to see i only barely got a dollar from it hehe. But somedays its just a simple post then it gets more attention. What is the best time do younsuggest to post content?

First let me say it looks like you're doing pretty well for only a few weeks in! On top of that, congrats on hitting 50 rep.

Sometimes i give all my heart out and i put alot of effort and to see i only barely got a dollar from it hehe. But somedays its just a simple post then it gets more attention.

I can relate...I've been in that same spot. Unfortunately on Steemit you never quite know what things are going to 'pop' and get a 'good' payout. Consistency on all posts can be difficult in general and especially for newbies.

What is the best time do you suggest to post content?

Personally, I try to post between 7am and 9-10pm CST. For newbies, getting those early votes are quite helpful because it puts you into the 'hot' feed.

However, there's always somebody up somewhere. :P

A couple suggestions looking at your blog...

  • in your tree photo posts...include the nature tag. Most of your posts can have the life tag too (I saw a few had life already..nice!)
  • Remember your first image in a post becomes the thumbnail pic when the post is shown in lists. The ideal dimensions for a thumbnail is 800x480. Things don't have to be this size, but somethings the picture doesn't pop with it being cropped.
  • On photo posts put the most eye catching / wow picture as the first one...since it's the thumbnail
  • Some of your posts have too many pictures, with little text.
  • Make text between pictures a 'large size' font (either selecting large font in the editor or putting ## at the start of a line in markdown.

If you've not, I recommend checking out (if you havent already) and possible @steemspeak in discord. It'll let you promote your posts and meet other people.

Thank you so much! I will definetly follow your advice. Inwill consult to you with more questions when the time comes.

Sounds good :)
Best of luck for the two of you!

I tried @steemspeak on steem chat but could not find it. Might be my connection. I will keep on trying

oh..sry. Steemspeak is a channel in discord. Just click this link to go there:

I left some suggestions on your other comment. :)
I'd forgotten that you're solely on your phone. So if anything I put in there doesn't work or make sense. Feel free to let me know.

It's better to send me a direct message in (i'm @sykochica in there too) because it's easier for me to keep track of. :)

Great advice. I have not used steemit chat like that before thank you for your invite. You are Awesome!