you said.
I sometimes , only to find out it was for nothing, I barely get recognized, this one for example.
It took you hours to write two paragraphs and post one picture and you consider this to be a quality post?
I just looked at your blog. I don't see any of those post you speak of. Everything except this one is a re-steem
Hey! I have an idea...a thought just struck me! Why don't you spend hours researching for a subject I already know about just to make sure my post is genuine...and then actually WRITE one?
Just a thought... the way...reputation is logrithmic. Each level is a hundred times greater than the one before it.
for example 26 is a hundred times higher than 25...27 is a hundred times higher than 26...etc. (or is it a thousand? I forget. It's not linear though)
thanks @everittdmickey
Good to know about the logrithmic system, I was not aware of this! thx!