First off, let me tell you that I absolutely respect that you took the time to write this post. I would like to share some of my thoughts to add to the conversation...
- The Bandwidth Limit Exceeded issue only began over the past 5 or 7 days, so something changed (and it wasn't HF 0.19.0).
- It sounds like you're telling minnows to decrease their posting, commenting, voting, resteeming, etc. Did you realize that this is fundamentally discouraging actively participating on the Steemit platform? Discouraging these activities is in line with telling people to spend $1,000.00 each on Steem to Power-Up and quit complaining.. or said in another way "Pay to Play". Which we all know is completely opposite of the purpose of the Steemit platform.
Your post was definitely well thought out, and I believe it had the best of intentions. I just feel that the tone implies people who reach their bandwidth limits are somehow ALL using Steemit in the wrong manner.
Personally, I don't over-vote, I don't over-comment, I don't over-edit, yet I experience a bandwidth limit exceeded message more frequently than ever, and much more frequently than necessary. I even experienced a Bandwidth Limit Exceeded when I was Offline for more than 1 hour and tried to comment approximately 15 words on someone else's post (I was denied before I was able to post my comment).
There is an underlying demon to this issue, whether it's all of the bots that are auto-posting, all of the bots that are up-voting when users pay SBD to them, all of the Whales who are creating multiple accounts, A negative effect from people actually earning full value if they post more than 4x in a day (the HF 0.17.0 update), etc.
There's something more going on here, and it is creating a huge barrier to entry, and disrupting Normal Traffic for new users who want to get exposure through being active on the platform. We need to figure out the underlying issue, because I honestly don't believe the current plan of action (changing the bandwidth algorithm) is going to be an effective long-term solution.