Can be converted to STEEM right in the wallet. Conversion takes 1 week and the price is median price over that week
In your wallet, instead of pressing the convert to STEEM, you can press "Buy or Sell" .
In the next window:
you can enter that you want to buy STEEM.
Specify the number of SDB you wish to sell
Specify a price that you would like to sell at
The tool will automatically fill in how many STEEM you will get
Press the Buy button. If your trade price matches market value, your SBD will be converted to STEEM almost instantly (seconds)
Right, this is the internal market. I've mentioned it too, in the first bullet item
I had never heard of it as the internal market before (I should have clicked on the link).Thanks @peterz,
BTW, This is a very clear guide. I find it very useful.