This post is absolutely brilliant, thank you! I use all my own images for everything I do, and it drives me completely nuts seeing other creatives' work being used without permission or acknowledgement online: I get that some images are just so wonderful people can't help but share them, but if the originator of that work isn't credited with producing or capturing and developing it, it just feels wrong to me. So many people don't even attempt to find out who the artist or photographer is, and 9 times out of 10, it's a creative who either DID want to be credited or actively didn't want other people using their work at all. (And don't even get me started with memes where people have deliberately cropped off the copyright or watermark before sharing it, thereby giving a ton of people the idea that it's their original content. Maybe there's something wired oddly in my brain, but that just pisses me off to an extent that it's not even funny. Even typing this I'm starting to hyperventilate, lol - I can feel the George Carlin in me rising ;o))
So...if you don't mind, I will bookmark this post and point people at it when I see that kind of behaviour going on because you've put together a valuable resource to point people in the direction of doing it the right and honourable way. I don't see an option to reSteem this post, so I might even write a post on the subject at some point and link to it, too, if you don't mind. I'd appreciate it if you'd consider that and let me know whether or not that would be OK with you, please?
Thanks again - truly awesome content!