It is mandatory that there are adjustments to the system as time passes relative to the base concepts outlined in the White Paper due to the fact that until real users were on the platform, it was impossible to predict or measure user behavior.
Now that there are a reasonable number of real users it is possible to start making meaningful technical adjustments to the platform.
However, there is another issue I see that may have even more impact on the platform than anything I have seen you or anyone else acknowledge so far.
That is the perception of a sufficiently large portion of the user base that the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency from posts does not in fact function in a manner that is consistent with the marketing messages used to attract them to the platform. Please note that I used the word "perception" here as a context for looking at this issue.
It is not a matter of whether the system is fair or not or that there are valid and sound reasons for the way the platform functions.
It is the perception that it is rigged, unfair, overly complicated by design, or any of the other suggestions I see posted more often than not which concerns me as an observer of the contents I see posted.
I am quite sure that no system regardless of how fair and reasonable will please everyone since we are dealing with human beings. However, that not withstanding, the platform must be perceived as being attainable relative to the possibility of reward versus quality efforts in order for there to be any significant movement from other social media platforms to Steemit.
Recent posts by Dan and Ned plus actual feature enhancements executed lately certainly are most encouraging in terms of transparency.
Believe me when I say that I wish I were smart enough to present a workable solution here instead of this overly long "rant".
I think that you probably already have many people who are creative enough and smart enough to tackle this issue.
I only bring it up because I sincerely believe that Steemit is an amazing opportunity and has the potential to blow away every other social media platform existent today.
In my opinion, that potential will be realized by a bunch of "little" things that are meaningful to non-technical ordinary people rather than fully enlightened crypto wizards!!
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" a reasonable number of real users";"we are dealing with human beings."
What really is steem? A laboratory to study human and A.I. interactions?
Although it may very well serve as a use case for study, I do not think that is the primary intention of the developers. I use "real users" to set the context to human beings as opposed to bots...!
Which raises the question: How many are human beings and how many are bots?
Well that raises a whole lot of new questions that only the insiders have answers for. It also points to why the voting issue raises so many questions. @hisnameisolllie is trying his best to make some sense of it but it is very complicated so he has an uphill battle with not much of an upside I can see.