ReBlogging Posts Over 30 Days Old - The Good and The Bad

in #steem-help8 years ago (edited)

The new reblog feature will help spread good content throughout the steemit community. I'm grateful for every occasion someone reblogs one of my posts. However, it can be bittersweet when it's a post over 30 days old.

So here's the good and the bad

The Good

Someone just sent my post to everyone of their followers! That's most likely 90% of new eyeballs on my content.

Which can mean:

  • New followers for me
  • New upvotes for my post.

Happy Dance!

The Bad

All of those new upvotes you will receive nothing for because the 30 day payout has already passed.

Sad Face

Please Confirm

I'm sharing this information based on the experience and data I have. It could be wrong and I'm really hoping it is.

My post ScaredyCatGuide to Real Estate Investing - Buying Right was reblogged and much to my happiness received 19 fresh upvotes.

However - The payout amount remained the $3.99 originally earned on the post and upvotes at the original 30

So there it is.....

  • Getting more followers and eye balls on your content - Good!
  • Not enjoying any additional payout - Bad.

Mitchell J


Getting more followers sometimes is better than a few more coins :-) Cheers and steem on, bro!

Yes, getting more followers is already good, as they're likely to upvote your new posts.
Still, it's sad if it's really as @scaredycatguide describes it, because I've thought that I could use "reblog" feature to get my older articles with no or few votes noticed. :/ So that they serve similar to a "brand new" post.

yeah that would have been good as some times poor timing can make a hell of a difference in regard to exposure and upvotes

Just found out you can't reblog your own content :D

For long term yes
Not all users, want to upvote and supports.
So these are chocking up your own FEED

Yep, that was me. lol. Just spreadin the word about your good content, boss!

Hell yeah! You are making it happen from northern ohio I believe.....I have friends in the cleveland area and I may look to a buying a rental property near the University of Toledo.

Sounds cool! Keep up the good work.

They should change the cut off period for paying out or give you something if your reblogged post earns extra reads

Where do I find the "re blog button"?

It's at the end of a given post. It's the arrow that is to the right of the # of upvotes and left of the # of comments

oh cool i c it thanks man