If I believe that your opinion promotes a phobia or some kind of political viewpoint on a topic where violence is not completely absent in the history of humanity then espousing any of those viewpoints can be argued to be inciting violence.
Hate speech means whatever you need it to at that moment. If I say that I love capitalism that can be used as an argument that I promote the patriarchy. Which is quite clearly inciting violence against women.
That's a bit of a stretch for me and really don't have more time to spend on this with you. Feel free to make a post on it though.
I took that definition of hate speech directly out of the dictionary...for this very reason.
Well yeah, its a stretch for anyone with two brain cells but that doesn't mean that is not how the term is actually used. Being against hate speech nothing short of being pro censorship.
That's you're opinion and you're welcome to it. I'll simply leave this that we (or at least I) agree to disagree.