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RE: Job Posting: STEEM.GLOBAL Looking to Hire Verification Intern

in #steem-jobs8 years ago

(i was the guy with the clean bong). I have worked at FXpro (an forex exchange site) with verifying ID:s over email for a couple of months and as I already spend all my time on Steemit (and always am high on weed) I think this menial job would fit me perfectly. So if you want to support a fellow steemit stoner I would be more than happy to give this job a chance.Hello @Klye. My account is just under 2 months old, but i did verify myself with your help

So come on Klye, let's become steemit stoner buddies and work to make this site amazing! I would gladly offer myself to prove my "skills in ID-scam identifying" by doing the work for free the first week, after which you could decide if it works for you!

Peace friend, and good luck to who ever gets the job!