Previous: Steem-lib Guide [Part1]
This section is about transaction construction, signing and broadcast.
Set Keys
Set a privatekey(WIF) as signingkey for an account.
var MY_ACCOUNT = "my-account-name";
var MY_KEY = "wif*****";
remote.set_key(MY_ACCOUNT, MY_KEY)
this will cache the key into the client for later use of signing. The first argument (MY_ACCOUNT) is a label for the privatekey, could be arbitrary string but is convenient/intuitive by using just account name.
Alternate set-up, using Steemit's username + password
remote.set_auth('my-account-name', 'my-dummy-password');
this method will generate all keys from username + password, and cache them into the client.
Construct a transaction
// create a tx with MY_ACCOUNT as signer
var tx = remote.transaction(MY_ACCOUNT);
tx.add_operation('transfer', {
to: "the-recipient-account",
amount: "1.000 STEEM",
memo: "payment for xxx"
// to manually set expiration, e.g. 30s.
tx.expiration = Math.ceil( + 30);
For the full list of supported operations, have a look into operation.js
optional steps:
- tx.complete() - to auto-complete the transaction with expiration = 60s later, fill the ref_block_num and ref_block_prefix fields with infos of last-irreversible-block.
- tx.sign() - do the signing with private-key (of MY_ACCOUNT).
in the case where set_auth() method was used instead of set_key(), the client would choose the appropriate key according to result of 'get_required_signature' API.
Broadcast transaction
There are two methods to accomplish this, both doing the similar jobs:
- if the transaction is incompleted, perform tx.complete(); then tx.sign();
- send the transaction out to all connected servers.
tx.broadcast() will callback immediately when the txn got into a head-block, or if there's an error.
// show immediate result whether the tx is included in a head block
tx.broadcast(function(err, res){
// immedate result from broadcast_api.
console.log(err, res)
tx.submit() will not callback until the txn was seen in an irreversible-block.
tx.submit(function(err, res){
if (err) return console.log('Error:', err);
if (res) console.log('Success & Final');
// broadcast result is still availabe by listening to 'submitted' event.
tx.once('submitted', function(err, res){
// head-block result
console.log(err || res)
More Example:
Check the examples folder of the repository.
Next: Steem-lib Guide [Part3]
please also not forget about tag #programming
good luck.!!!