
Just everything built on ethereum is slower and worse for users. Eth is mostly hype and an attempt to coopt crypto imho. At least if you are not for one coin (without self governance) to rule them all.

But even with that...eth cant scale! Lol...even creator of augur said he wished he hadnt built it on eths tech.

@biophil i have had few respect building relations with "leaders" in the eth arena because of this. Yeh eth is the equiv of what MTV was for the 90s generation...shit painted to look like gold until its so blasted into everyones brain that they begin to think "since everyone knows about eth and its number 2 on has to be the best".

Its all bullshit though. I only wish i would have bought in on it so i could sell it today and buy more steem and bitshares...

I take that back. Eth vm is pretty cool. Like 200 million marketcap cool though...

Very good to hear your opinion on this. Their gold paint has been making me jealous lately... Thanks for the reply!