JOKES ASIDE (Part I) - Don't sell 'Steem Power' as 'money!'

In my last post I alluded the concepts of “Steem”, “Steem Power”, “Steem Dollars”, “$figure” being a potential banana skin in terms of people’s expectations. In this post and Part II, I intend to elaborate on this, by drawing on the experience I’ve had communicating the concepts to people I know.

Over the last few days, I've been waxing lyrical about Steemit. Mainly to bloggers, content creators and creative types, people I feel would bring value to the site.

From my experience ‘on the road’, they get the blogging part. They get the curation part. The one reoccurring sticking point is 'how does the money work?'

The money part is just complicated (even to me at times!). This may be necessary. However I think it can be made more simple (and not get in the way of user adoption) but changing the ‘sale pitch’.

Curation will not make you rich!

I first want to start with ‘curation money’. Curation should not be sold as an activity that will make anyone rich. Not to say it won’t make a very small percentage of people rich. It just should not be SOLD as something the majority of people can make significant money on.

I’ll draw an analogy.

Some people can make money off Twitter by sending sponsored tweets. Some people make money on Instagram by shaking their ass. Some people create shill accounts/ automate fake likes to serve their purposes. However the vast majority are not 50 cent or Kim Kardashian so won’t make a cent off of Twitter or Facebook. The vast majority don’t care to.

The difference between Steemit and Twitter, Steemit gives them some rewards for their endeavour (but not much). If at the end of the year, they have a bit of cash to take their ‘significant other’ to the cinema, as compensation for all the time they spent voting for people on ‘that DAMN social media site’, that will probably be adequate. They get nothing for the time they spend elsewhere, besides a warm glow inside.

Sure yes, there are Whale curators that make lots of money, bots that don’t play fair… yada yada yada… however most people are not going to ‘compete’ in that space by curating alone (unless they are a demon sharp shooting voting machine). I don’t think they would care. You know why? Because it’s actually BORING to most people who aren’t into Crypto or computing!

I know a lot of Steemit early adopters come from Crypto. Crypto is a space where they can make x10 or x100 or x1000 returns from a little outlay on an ICO and a little banter on Bitcointalk. The idea of spending a few hours clicking upvotes each week to get some popcorn and a flick at the end of the year is anathema. However to your average Facebook, Twitter, Instagram enthusiast, it’s money for old rope! And that exactly how it should be sold a bit of money for something they would do for free.

What I found when speaking to people, is when I lowballed ‘Curation money’ it worked better and was in line with their expectations.

Describing 'Steem Power' as 'money' doesn’t work

Describing 'Steem Power' as 'money' to people on the street, simply doesn’t work. I say this because it comes with too many caveats. People are used to money being more liquid than Steem power is.

I had a conversation with one of my neighbours, it went something like

"Yes and by the way you can convert Steem power into money.”
“What like money I can put in my bank?”
“Yes… IF withdraw it weekly… over two years in even chunks…”
“Like instalments into my bank?”
“Not into your bank, into a thing called Steem. That thing called Steem you can send to a thing called a Cryptocurrency exchange and exchange it for a thing called Bitcoin. That thing called Bitcoin you'll probably need to withdraw into a different exchange... and blah blah blah blah."

I had lost him. Someone else just said, ‘Oh, you'll sort that bit out for me right and give me the cash?"

Steem power may be money to someone with a crypto or financial bent. Because we know it has value and are comfortable with the methods of getting that into BTC, fiat or whatever. But for people that are not Crypto heads and just see social media as a bit of fun, Steem Power being described as money is just mombojumbo. And worse still, it’s so convoluted that it SOUNDS dodgy.

Voting as a fun altruist pastime

I find curation clicked better with people when I emphasised its altruist value. Most people are like seeing people paid what they’re worth. Most people hate seeing talented people not getting paid or rewarded. When I said things like:

"As a consumer, Steem is like going through your Facebook/ Twitter feed… crap… crap... crap… crap… crap… good! Upvote (instead of like or retweet). The great thing is when you upvote it. The person that provided it gets a little money. If a lot of people like and upvote it, they could get a lot of money. It’s better than the ‘nothing’ they get on Facebook right? Particularly if it’s a blog or artistic piece or something they’ve spent ages doing, they deserve to be compensation over the shareholders at Facebook. Every time you upvote something early, that turns out to be upvoted by lots of people, you get more kudos in the form of Steem Power. It means when you upvote next, the people you upvote get more money because the system knows you’re a great judge of content. IF you keep picking right (and not over vote) you get more and more Steem Power. When I browse find I’m more selective over what I read because I know I could be reading better stuff that people can actually get paid for. Also apparently Steem Power can be converted into cash but it’s complicated and I wouldn’t worry about it until it’s easy to do.”

It helped when I resisted the urge to start talking too much about crypto because that was my agenda, not theirs! (Unless they’re really interested of course)

How can Steemit help me, help Steemit!

I just think we need to lighten up on what voting can do for the mass market. The world is not going to turn into an army of clicking monsters, clucking for the next upvote! People will see as a bit of fun that actually pays talented people.

What might help me ‘pitching’ to people is if Steemit had

*(i)Steem power achievement levels. E.g. You could start wearing 'armband', graduate to ‘swimmer’, progress to ‘dophin, then ‘whale’, ‘steemboat’, ‘steemship’, ‘steemliner…. whatever. Sounds silly but giving incentives outside of $$ for people to want to collect and keep Steem power would appeal to a certain demographic.
*(ii) If people could track how much Steem power they've gathered daily. People like to see how they are doing and compare how they did on previous days. As well as track progress through different levels.
*(iii) if there were leaderboard (global leaderboards and leaderboards you could create for your family/ friends). People like to compare themselves with others (particularly people they know)

Let’s wrap it up, it’s taking too long

There will, of course, be those that will vote as a means of making money (as we’ve discussed in posts of the last couple of days). However I think there is a bigger picture. The “crypto/ whale/ bot market” is tiny compare to the market I see. The social media market. I see a market of people that will use Steemit as a fun way to view great content whilst supporting those who create stuff they like.

We should focus on catering for them.

Just a thought.

If you enjoyed what you read here, don't just 'retweet' it, don't just 'like it' elsewhere. Make sure you sign up and UPVOTE it, here on Steemit and share in the rewards! (Signed up already? Add a strapline to your posts to let others know about Steemit)


This is a fantastic post - really explained things well. I'm guessing that we should all just write good stuff and upvote anything we find interesting and it will all take care of itself, right?

☆ Great article. I agree with you 100%. ☆
Earning badges for participation and goals would definitely make it more fun even if it has nothing to do with financial incentives.

*(i)Steem power achievement levels. E.g. You could start wearing 'armband', graduate to ‘swimmer’, progress to ‘dophin, then ‘whale’, ‘steemboat’, ‘steemship’, ‘steemliner…. whatever. Sounds silly but giving incentives outside of $$ for people to want to collect and keep Steem power would appeal to a certain demographic.

I'm onboard with this!

I know those conversations! You understand how complex and distant these crypto things are to average people when you start to explain. I find it funny how important bank accounts are to these people. They don't beleive if they don't see the "real" money. I guess you're right in that it's better to appeal to people's altruism - to point out the injustice in current systems. which they have already noticed.

Thanks for this post. It was worth reading!

I think you folks are talking to all the wrong people. I think the problem with Steemit right now isn't that it's missing the pitch but more that there just isn't enough proof yet that people are making real money and that it's better than the gigs they already have. People already can make money from social media and while it's not a lot of money it might be more than they would make curating Steem.

Professionals make $13-14 an hour. Professionals who produce content can make even more, something like $20 per 1000 words and if they are really sophisticated they can make $50,000+ a year off social media. While it's true most users of social media are not professional social media people I would say the OP is vastly under estimating how much money and influence people on social media can make. Influence for example isn't necessarily measured in money but it still is real and people have the ability to transform influence into money if they have a manager or take a class or two.

I can tell people about Steem but as of right now Steem just isn't ready. It's a beta product and it still functions like a beta product and any professional is going to look at it like it's a small beta product. The fact that they can make money might make some processionals decide it is worth their time but they will trickle in slowly. Steem should continue to add new ways for regular people to participate and make money because just creating content is not going to distinguish Steem from any of the other "get paid to produce content" schemes out there.

For people whose 'job' is social media, Steemit is just another outlet.

For people who are established/ well known in their field, Steemit won't register until it reaches a critical mass.

For talented people that are new or struggling to reach a wider audience Steemit IS a great outlet as it offers an opportunity of getting paid. I believe this pool is huge snd have nothing to lose putting stuff on here well.

Once it becomes cool, the so-called pros & celebs will jump on it.

Curators actually do get paid and can make $13-14 an hour but they are usually called moderators. So there are people getting paid and people do moderate all sorts of sites. That moderation service could be considered a professional curation which is why certain Twitter accounts get pulled. In other cases in appropriate ads get pulled when they get tested so curation of social media does pay in the hundreds of dollars a month range but no one is living rich doing it.

On the other hand content producers are really ripped off. Content producers get around $20 for 1000 words for articles well written. People write books and don't make as much as some people get from a single post on Steemit so I would say for content producers Steemit will be fantastic. At the same time you need a wide range of curators for a diverse type of content so I don't think you can not pay curators and it's not fair to expect anyone to do anything for free and that includes curation.

The problem right now is there isn't a lot of diverse Steem content so the value of curation is limited when it's the same demographic appealing only to it's own sensibilities. When it's a bunch of crypto nerds and very limited diversity among the content producers then of course you're going to see everyone voting for the same few people early on. I think given enough time and maybe curation could become something interesting but it's too soon right now to know.

Content producers get around $20 for 1000 words for articles well written.

Where exactly can people get $20 per thousand words? It's more like two or three dollars. Check out Demand Media for how they've been squeezing their writers in the last decade.

Trust me there are places if you know where to look and how to get in on it. The last thing I'll do it tell Steem where the competition is so people can leave Steem.

Having non-monetary rewards like badges is great idea. People like collecting stuff and showing it off to others. Having achievements would work well. Also giving SP levels is great too. People would like having a title to their level for example silver,gold,platinum SP.

Without money for these tasks people will simply go with better more established sites. It's the money that makes Steem stand out. People who are doing something for free and find out their activities are worth money are way more likely to spend more time on Steem than those other places. The point is that influence is currency once you come up with an algorithm to translate it into something liquid and spendable.

So perhaps people with badges who have used Steem for a long period of time can be able to participate in new ways to make money before the newbies.

Unfortunately, that is the realization I have come to as well. Just like in your other post, people get their hopes up when they hear rewards and would be willing to work for those rewards. No whitepaper or long explanation will change that.

What needs to change is the reward system, not the users expectations when they hear it.

The currency generation, miners, witnesses, bots, and whales are all making money of this scheme. If anything should change, it be that some of each of those rewards should be given to ANY active user on the site. If your typical Facebook or Reddit user can come here and make a couple cents a day by voting, this place will grow massively. If they hear all this hype but see no actual rewards then they will abandon it for a more popular and polished service.

Figure out a way to give normal uneducated users a couple cents a day for just normal reddit type activity. That is the only way this will work.

Maybe you mean a couple dollars a day. No one is going to care about a couple cents. That wouldn't even be enough to pay for electricity. With 100,000 people active it would only be $200,000 a day which is reasonable if you have ad revenue and other sources. Opt-in ad revenue can allow much more money.

That would be even better. I was talking about the regular old contribute nothing useful users though, that only post funny pics and smartass comments. If those guys can make even a free beer a week, this place would explode.
You are correct about actual contributors and ad revenue if this gets rolling, but for that to happen a few million regular users need to be hooked on getting paid first.

Nice article! Early days yet (I guess). I only just joined & I'm browsing but I must admit it's taking me a little while to get used to navigating & knowing how things work. The site is a bit 'clunky' & I'm yet to find a tutorial blog or video about how it all works although I'm sure there is one somewhere. That is what I meant by early days.. I expect the site will continue to be developed & in that case I am super excited about it.

*(i)Steem power achievement levels. E.g. You could start wearing 'armband', graduate to ‘swimmer’, progress to ‘dophin, then ‘whale’, ‘steemboat’, ‘steemship’, ‘steemliner…. whatever. Sounds silly but giving incentives outside of $$ for people to want to collect and keep Steem power would appeal to a certain demographic.

Really like this idea. This would be fun.

Outside of that. People already on the site as of today understand the crypto part of it. Showing the $$ amount beside the post would draw people initially I am sure, but frustration when realizing that isn't theirs in entirety, or exactly what to do with it. Wouldn't it be easier to a person looking for a social networking outlet to have it represented with a steem symbol? Those who see it as a $ value, doesn't change how it's perceived, but would also serve as a badge for someone more focused on the social messaging aspect.

Yeah, replacing $ with Steem icon sounds really right. May be the dev team will implement that in the future soon. I hope @dantheman notices this.

Upvote ! nice pic