As an author, I use all sorts of social media... facebook, twitter, medium, steem, linkedin...I like how the different ones give a different demographic/group of people. I've yet to break into instagram, but I know that one is super popular with the teens right now.
That's the one major problem with weed - the "forgetfulzies"
...and the munchies = Fat, dumb liberal girl! Ha ha!
...yes, that too, lol
I am using FB less each day only use it to connect with a few old friends
Fb just runs so sloooow on my machine - even a new post is slow to boot-up compared to Steemit's superfast 'Submit a Story' :))
Yeah I have noticed the speed on there, I stopped posting a status a long time ago don't want people knowing what I am doing or where I am going.
No more personal invites sent out for people to rob your house whilst your on holiday! LOL!
Exactly, but really who cares what I am eating or when I'm going shopping... sometimes peoples status bugs me, I want to shout shut up fgs lol cat just used its litter tray blah blah blah....BORING!!!
Exactly, on the edge of your seat exciting news ... REALLY
As an author, I use all sorts of social media... facebook, twitter, medium, steem, linkedin...I like how the different ones give a different demographic/group of people. I've yet to break into instagram, but I know that one is super popular with the teens right now.
I've now converged from Twitter and fb to Steemit now - v.happy too :)
I wonder how much weed she has stashed in that rug...erm, I mean, hair of hers...?
I don't know but I think it's seeping into her brain!
Yea, I don't use face too much anymore. We all should support this platform
upvoted. Thanks for up voting my joke earlier.
No problem. Always got time for a good joke :)
Return to Go - Do Not Collect £200.
Give her the £200 anyways, she'll buy Steem with it once we educate her :)
Facebook is just so clunky and non-intuitive these days.
Have you ever tried to deactivate your account? - its hellish!!
(Steemit is like lightning compared to that lumbering giant!)
Hey @mindhunter the image can only be seen on esteem app - maybe wanna fix it (certificate prob) ;-)
Looks OK here on the big internet. Will check it out from my G/F's PC!
Stop - it's solved already - it was a certificate problem of the img server from
(all images were gone for a short while)
Thanks for the update :)