Thank you for the mention @papa-pepper. We sure have alot of fun making our steem-pocalypse strategy discussion videos. The "Ozark Trail" type feel should make it easy for us to do some live action shots of the options. I WILL NOT be eating any turtles this season though!
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But it might be the only chance at survival!
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool you thrice, it's dinner time! :D
So we still need this turtle for soup or no...? It's wiggling pretty hard and if we're not gonna eat it I'm gonna let it go. It's getting hard to hang onto.
Careful, it the claws but your skin the wounds could get infected.... I'm just saying...
Don't worry, I have a bottle of orange essential oil and a squeezy bear of honey. I'll be fine. :D
There's an oil for that!
LOL! Must not forget balloon animals and Vanilla Extract!
Yes please! Looking forward to seeing y'all again.
Yeah I can't wait to see more of those bullon tutorials!
From a great deal of reading I've done over the years, it seems like orange essential oil is one of the only things known to stop/prevent tetanus outside of a medical setting. And both it and honey are natural antiseptics.
There's an oil for just about everything! :D
Oils, balms, tinctures, alcohol and poultices were what helped man heal his body for the past 6,000 years. Our modern pharmaceuticals only came about in the last 100-150 years or so. Oh those lovely drugs and all their great damaging side effects. Ok I'm shutting up before I go on a rant.