

I can see you need a teammate and are unarmed, but have an item.

I need teammate and I am armed with a handy little rifle, but don't have any items.

We already sorta complement each other. So whaddaya say?

Sure, unless someone else gets to me first! ;) Apparently I am not that desirable... Haha.
Do you have a Team name idea? Farm-Raldo? Haha

You good with option 2?

Sorry, I kinda died for a few hours.

A lot of people here seen rather confident about option 2, including you, so I'll trust you on that one. (I honestly have no idea...)

As for the team name... Dunno, maybe something like: Team Survival Farm?

Nah man, it's okay! YOU SHALL BE MY PARTNER.

Let's just stick to Survival Farm Yeahhhh. Haha.

Yep. I know what kind of berry they are. :D I'd tell you, but this is public, dunno if it's cheating... Hahaha.

Anyhoot, what now?! I'll make the "official post" Be sure to comment on it to confirm!