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  • OPTION 2 - Get down to the main floor, search it a bit, and then get moving as quickly as possible.
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I choose the option 2

Just run will probably make sure I'll survive today, but gather some useful itens for tomorrow might be the diference between life and death.

in the others room of my floor may have someone who still have something but he obviously will not want to share, and he/she could become violent, o even he/she could be starving and tried to kill me in order to have the next meal.

I'll have to pass trough the main floor anyway if there is any threat in there I would have to face anyway, so why not take a little time to search for something useful and also it is easier to escape from an attack.

click here!This post received a 3.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @andyluy! For more information,

I pick this option to search the lower floor. Need to hurry but hopefully there will be enough to light to see and find something that will help me.

Alright let's take a risk. I'll go to the main floor and if there is danger I don't have to out run danger, I just have to out run the rest of you. Option 2 is for me.


Ok, let's check the main foor!


So cute as usual :)

Can't wait to see your doodles. Makes the gameplay so much more interesting. :)

Option 2 for Me!

Option 2 for me

Option 2 for me!

Option 2

I choose OPTION 2
I hope I can survive so I can play more! :D

Option 2

this option for me

I choose option 2.

Option 2. I'm checking the main floor.

Let the games begin ! Option 2 for me .

My option is this one

You're not signed up for this season. You'll have to wait until next season.

Option 2 for me. Searching quietly as I can.

I choose option 2: My little bunny feet scampered down the stairs to the main floor. My ears alert and my nose sniffing the air for danger I explored then headed for the door.

Oh look... dinner !

Yes come closer. I sharpened my teeth this morning on the bones of the last human who tried to eat me.


Oh look... dinner !

20 minutes later

chomping sounds

A Multiverse... one of my favorite webcomics XD

That's too funny! LOL. Thanks for sharing that. I've never heard of that comic before.

Option 2.

option 2 for me.

OPTION 2 for me.

Option 2 for me

Option 2 for me, please.

Option 2 for me.

Option 2 -- Get down to the main floor, search it a bit. . .

option 2 :)

Option 2 - Scan the Main Floor and Leave...

Good to be back in the game...

oohhh noo papa, that's utter apocalyse... I didn't even see a sign up post... My Bad.. I think I am doomed fr this season

Option 2. Trying to grab some loot from the main floor and get out of there.

@rideofpassion - Option 2 for me....

option 2 for me :)

I'm for this option. It is unlikely, that the people flee to the sewers, and brought with them tools and weapons. Need to find something on 1 floor. And then to move as quickly as possible. @papa-pepper, don't kill me immediately, if the correct option is 3. Give me a chance. I'll more useful to you. I'm a resourceful :=))

Option 2 for this guy!

Looking while moving! This option 2for me

Im choosing option 2

option 2

option 2! Thanks !!

I hope I am the @st3ller listed in the comment. If I am, option 2.:)

@theabsolute chooses option 2, to search the main floor, then get moving. Obviously there is nothing of use on our current floor or we would already have it. There must be a weapon of some kind on the first floor amongst the ruins of deceased civilians and cannibals.

Ill stagger down the stairs and hopefully stumble upon some goodies. No man eaters please!

Main floor, here I come!

I choose Option 2

glad to join in, just hopping to be useful for you guys and not being the reason to kill us all...

Option 2!!!

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