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* OPTION 3 – Try to calmly and quietly sneak away from the rustling.

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I have a pistol with ammunition & 1 Backup food. I ate the roaches before.
I choose option 3 this round.

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I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, and beef jerky. Last round I ate the plants from the stranger. Now I'm going to keep an eye for more of these. This round I choose option 3.

I have an empty pistol, 1 backup food supply, & Water Purification Tablets, and I already ate some limes from the tree a couple days back. And I choose Option 3 this round.

I have unloaded pistol ,back up food supply ,water purification tablets and I choose option 3 this time. Also if you see a dark haired gentleman who answers to the name Luke Duke , would you please tell him to hurry up and find me. Rosco and Enos's bickering is driving me insane! Thank you!

I have magnesium firestarter, one backup food supply, water purification tablets, and 11 rounds of ammunition.
I'll go with OPTION 3.

After receiving the ammo and what looks like clover, from the wise old forest man, I decided not to push my luck and rather go with Option 3. I will save my ammo for later rounds.

Inventory: 1x Loaded Pistol, 1x Beef Jerky, 11x Bullets for Pistol

Source:Vectory Design

I have a empty pistol, 1 backup food supply, water purification tablets, ate some bugs, i choose option 3

I have an unloaded pistol and one backup food supply. Ate berries and roaches, i'm going to choose option 3.

I choose option 3. I have:

  • Loaded pistol with 11 rounds
  • Beef Jerky
  • Water purification tablets

I ate some grass looking food and apparently in it was all I needed to keep me alive through day five.

I have firestarter🔥 backup food supply 🍖 And waterpurification. OPTION 3

I'll just leave a flier or two in these bushes before I sneak away. It's probably just @keepdoodling's little bear friend but better safe than sorry.
I have an empty pistol, 1 backup food supply & Water Purification Tablets. I choose Option 3 this round.

Ahaha! Yeah, thats probably him :) But I don't wanna risk it too.

I have magnesium firestarter, one backup food supply and 11 rounds of ammunition.
I'll go with OPTION 3.

Sneak out like a ninja.

Hi papa! I choose option3

  • Backup food supply (beef jerky)
  • Magnesium firestarter

I have a pistol with 11 bullets and a backup food supply. luckily i chose to wake the gentleman because he fed me also. Going with Option 3 this round.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), ate the bush, ate some roaches and ate what looks like clover; Now I choose option 3 - Sneak away from rustling.

Inventory : empty pistol, back up food (beef jerky), water purification tablets
Choice : option 3

Ratticus decides that sneaking away calmly and quietly might be the best option. Making too much noise could just attract the attention of whatever is making that scary noise over there.

With the man behind me now, I venture deeper into the woods. My stomach screams at me to eat but I have to wait it out. I have the jerky still but I can’t eat it yet. I know I can last at least until the end of the day, so I will wait, no matter how vocal my insides get. I can’t tell if the sun is starting to set or if the woods are just getting thicker. As I walk deeper and deeper into the belly of the oldest and most unforgiving beast there has ever been, the canopy of leaves and branches above turn into hands. They reach for me, blocking out what little sun is left, and leave me without any sense of time. The smell of rotting leaves surrounds everything and, somehow, freshens the air around me. I want to stop and relax for a moment, since it feels like a knife is stabbed into my stomach, but I can’t. I have to keep moving especially since the night times are almost here. I’m nowhere near the town now but I fear there may be more people out here or dangerous animals lurking around, waiting for someone like me to be careless, ready to make their move. The thought quicken my pace.
Eventually, I came to, what appears to be a small hunting shack. Most of the walls were broken. It was obvious that no one had been here for quite some time, or at least it appeared that way. I decided to search it before moving on. As I climbed over the fallen boards, careful not to rub against them, I found that I was right. The inside was destroyed by years of rain causing rot and decay to take over. This is the world now. There was no longer any furniture inside and was the skeleton of what once was. The skeleton of a time when people would hunt for fun, rather than out of necessity. I decided to look around anyway.
I couldn’t believe it but I actually found something. It wasn’t anything to keep me alive but to keep me sane. I found something of Kai’s. It was the plaid button up shirt she had been wearing when she left. It was underneath a fallen beam from the roof. She must’ve tried to find some shelter here. I picked it up and held it close to me. It still had her smell and for that I was very grateful. This was all too much for me and I started to cry. This meant that she could still be alive. The tears fell, cutting through the dirt caked on my face, leaving little canyons on my cheeks. She could still be alive. Then I saw it. There was a large red stain on the sleeve of the shirt and I could feel my stomach gain about ten pounds. I felt like I was going to puke.
“I can’t do this without you, Kai,” I said aloud, to no one but myself and the birds flying above. It was too much for me. I jumped out of the building the same way I came in and started to run. My chest moving rapidly with each breath and the tears fell almost as fast as my heartbeat. I needed to get away and fast. This couldn’t be happening.
After running, for what seemed like forever, I stopped suddenly. I heard something and it was coming from the bush to my left. I could hear whatever or whoever it was. Kai’s shirt was still in my hand and the thought of a bear smelling the blood on it and coming after me exploded into my head. This is it, I thought and almost immediately, I started, slowly and quietly, to back away. I don’t know what that is but I’m not going to find out. I refuse to die today.

I have a unloaded pistol, water purification tablets, and one back-up food supply(jerky). I must eat before the end of day 4. I choose option 3.

I have a firestarter and water purification tablet. I choose option 3.

I have water purification tablets and I choose option 3.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, beef jerky and Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 3 this round

I have a magnesium fire starter and 1 back up food supply. I choose option 3 this round.

I have 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), water purification tablets, 11 rounds, I just ate clover like plant so I don't need to eat until end of day 5 and I choose option 3

-------------------- story ---------------------

When I addressed man in the tree and when he responded I literally shit my pants.
Now bush is making a noise, that's too much for my nerves.
My first reaction was to run as fast as possible and as far as possible. But this is just not possible with my full pants.
And this is the reason why I choose to sneakingly, quietly and slowly move away, this is the fastest I can do...


I have a magnesium firestarter, beef jerky, bullets, and I'm going with option 3 - calmly and quietly sneak away from the rustling.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky) and some Water Purification Tablets. I elect to take the cautious route and sneak away quietly (Option 3).

I have ammunition and water purification tablets. (And a full belly.)
Option 3 for me.

I have an unloaded pistol, a backup supply that I need to eat prior to end of day 4 (is that today or tomorrow ?) and water purification tablets, I'll choose option 3 this round. If I had ammunition I probably would have shot it (or it could be the man from the tree again who asked not to get shot upon seeing him) :/

I have 11 rounds of ammo for my pistol and 1 backup food supply of beef jerky. I just ate the wild edibles the generous man I woke gathered for me. I now know what these edibles look like and will keep an eye out for them down the road, they just might save my life!

With my hunger subsided until the end of Day 5 I came to the conclusion firing the gun would draw too much unwanted attention so I slipped off further into woods being careful to make as little noise as possible while leaving no trace of my presence in the area!

11 rounds, pistol, 1 backup food supply, needs to eat before end of day 5...option #3 for @liberty-minded

I sneak away...
All this sneaking is giving me flashbacks from playing a thief/assassin in Skyrim... Ah, the good old days, before some madman decided to throw an apocalypse at us all !

I have:

  • an unloaded gun,
  • a backup food supply,
  • water purification tablets,

and need to eat before the end of day 4, as I was too paranoid to greet Mr. Sleepy man.

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply, and water purification tablets and I choose Option 3 this round.

I have a pistol with 11 rounds, 1 backup food supply and will choose option 3 this round

I have a fire starter and 1 back up food supply (not sure when I need to eat, but I think it is today) and I choose option #3.

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply and water purification tablets. I choose option 3!

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, backup food supply (beef) and water purification tablets, I'll choose option 3 this round.

I have a firestarter and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), and I choose option 3

I have a magnesium fire starter and beef jerky. I ate beauty berries so I will need to eat again before the end of Day 4. I choose Option #3.

In the deep, thick woods the rustling is more likely going to be from an animal than a person. I have no loaded gun, so the next best option is to get away quickly and quietly. Running as fast as I can will make too much noise and draw the animal's attention if it is dangerous. Hopefully, I haven't been noticed yet.

I have an unloaded pistol and one backup food supply (beef jerky). I choose option 3, backing away without prompting a chase instinct.

With my trusty fire starter and beef jerky in my pockets, the remains of beauty berrys and roach burgers in my stomach i will quietly slip away from the rustling.

I have a firestarter & Water purofication tablets & a backup food supply. I choose option 3

I have 11 bullets, water tablets, a firestarter, and beans. The friendly stranger fed me plants.

I choose Option 3. Let's see if we can't sneak our way out of this one.

I have a newly loaded pistol. 11 rounds. I've got a can O' Beans...Ate beauty berries.. and clovers? (does the clover count?)
As much as I would like to blast into the bushes, I should probably see my target first. So I am going to take what seems like the safest option here. #3
Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe away.

I have an unloaded pistol, a backup food supply (jerky) and water purification Tablets. I ate beauty berries and bugs. I choose option 3 this round - walk away quietly.

Option 3--I have a pistol, a backup food supply (beans), water purification tablets, 11 rounds of ammo, and I just ate a new and interesting plant the nice guy in the woods showed me.

You can never be too careful, and greeting the sleeping guy in the tree was a calculated risk that paid off well. We got bullets for the pistol, and also got to eat, so we didn't have to break into our backup food supply. We meet up with the rest of our group at our agreed upon rendezvous place in the woods.

We aren't familiar with these woods, though we will learn them. It will just take some time and experience to know what lives here, what grows here, who lives here, and what, out of all of those things, is safe and/or useful.

Because of this, and since we've eaten recently, we all decide it's best to just move on quietly when we hear the rustling in the woods. It could be a friendly person with something useful to share. It could be the nice man from the tree once more, it could be a friendly animal, or just the wind. We can't take that for granted, though. It could also be an un-friendly person, a gang, a dangerous animal, or something else we don't want to tangle with.

Because we have ammunition for the gun now, we could shoot at it, but it seems like a waste of ammo to shoot at something when we don't know what it is. That ammo should be conserved for really important situations, such as confrontations by gang members or other, similar things. I don't want to waste it here. If we were starving, it might be different.

We've all eaten, and have plenty of supplies right now. It seems best to just quietly move on, and get away from whatever it is. We'll take the next opportunity for supplies when we come across it, but this is not a risk we have any need to take right now.

As quietly as we can, we all move on into the woods, and leave the potential danger (or potential benefit) behind.

I have an unloaded pistol and 1 backup food supply (jerky) that needs to be eaten by the end of day four, I last ate at the bush. I will chose option 3 for this round.

I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, some jerky in my pocket and just had a great feed of greens to send me on my way.
With a full belly and having just met somebody in a tree, I am going to not risk encountering someone so soon, so I am going to back away slowly, ready with my pistol cocked and aimed.

I have a pistol, beef jerky, and water purfication tablets and I choose option 3.

I have 1 magnesium fire starter, 1 day of rations (beef jerky) and water purification tablets and I choose option 3.

Pythons, Wild Monkeys and gators O My.

I have an firestarter, 1 backup food supply, and water purification tablets and I choose Option 3 this round

I have eaten the mystery mans plant and also have 11 rounds of ammunition along with a magnesium firestarter. I choose option 3 to try and sneak my way out unnoticed

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