Did our five remaining teams perish in the quick sand yesterday?
There they were, just walking along trying to survive, when suddenly, they began to sink. It was something like a classic scene from The Princess Bride but without the ROUSes afterwards...
Well, you're not going to get rid of these teams that easily! Amazingly, every team chose Option 2 and tried to lie down on their back in the quick sand and slowly swim out. Thankfully, all 10 remaining team members made it out alive. I guess I'll have to try a little harder to kill them this time...
The teams are sandy and irritated. Sure, they are happy to be alive, but they are still sandy. Nightfall is coming on, but it is a cool, peaceful evening without a cloud in the sky. Finding a spot that looks safe enough, the teams curl up for the night, with only their irritated skin and groaning stomach keeping them up a little longer.
Soon the lightning bugs begin to light up the dark night. Fireflies dance all over the place and ride the gentle breeze. If it wasn't for all of the recent death and mayhem, this night would almost seem like a peaceful evening at a campground.
Nearby a group of crickets begin to chirp. The woods begin to rustle as night draws further along, and the stomachs continue to rumble. Suddenly, the teams have some thoughts about potential dinner.
OPTION 1 - Try to catch and eat as many fireflies as possible.
OPTION 2 - Try to catch as many crickets as possible.
OPTION 3 - Ignore hunger and insects and go to bed.
Each team must reply to this post within the next 24 hours in order to avoid a CoinFlip. You have three (3) Options to choose from.
Option 2 sounds delightful. Dry roasted crickets for the wombats. If we can't cook em we will chow down on them wriggling.
option 2
The kiwis are cricket eaters so we will go for option 2
I am pretty sure you will have to try even harder, @papa-pepper!
Don't worry, they should all be dead soon and we can get going on Season 3!
Anyone got a good recipe for crickets?
We probably need some Watties sauce huh dad?
Well this is the best I could do with what we have. At least we won't go hungry.
If you grew up in the 80s we lived in fear of quicksand as it seemed to be the biggest threat in the wilderness on TV shows/movies... Is it even a real thing or is it something localized because I've never seen it and I don't know anybody that has. I have lost footwear to mud though lol
Maybe that is where I got it from, growing up in the 80s.
We're going to eat crickets - Szumni with option 2.