The drink of death or the refreshment of life?
Some teams were formed and a dire situation arose. The teams/players needed to drink last round in order to stay alive. Sometimes, survival gets like that. All they could find was one puddle that a bird had been bathing in. Most likely, there was some nasty bacteria in it. A few options for attempting to make the water drinkable existed, but only for those who could purify the water or boil it. Let's see what went down.
OPTION 1 – Use the Magnesium Firestarter to boil some of the water in an attempt to kill the bacteria and drink it. (For players/teams who have Magnesium Firestarters).
Players with a Magnesium Firestarter were in a good position. Some of them could even team up to help others. The players/teams that chose this option were able to boil the water and kill the bacteria, making the water safe to drink.
The list of players who chose this option can be found in the comment section.
OPTION 2 – Use the Water Purification Tablets to attempt to neutralize the bacteria and drink it. (For those players/teams who happen to have Water Purification Tablets.)
Just like those with the firestarter, those with Water Purification Tablets were in a good position as well. Many of the teams and players chose to use their Water Purification Tablets to kill the bacteria and make the water safe to drink!
Check out who chose this option below.
OPTION 3 - Risk drinking the water as is and hope for the best.
Since not drinking the water would surely result in death, those players without teammates or resources had to risk this option. Though they hoped for the best, the bacteria proved to be lethal. Unfortunately, the players who chose this option died a painful death.
You can find out which players eliminated one another in the comment section below.
OPTION 4 - Leave without even trying to drink the water...
I tried to make things clear in the last round by using sentences like these:
periodically a water round will come up. In these rounds, players need to successfully drink the water in order to continue gameplay. If players choose not to drink or drink contaminated water, they will perish
Still, some players chose option 4 and have perished due to a lack of hydration. You can find out who below in the comments.
Happy to be alive but still terrified by the situations that they find themselves in, the remaining teams are fast on the move. Somewhere, there has to be a better place to be. Somewhere with shelter, safety, food, anything...
As the players and teams make their way through the woods, they notice a large object up head. Slowly and cautiously, they make their way towards it. Carefully looking through the bushes, they think that it is a RV, one of those large driving campers that people enjoy.
Underneath the camper is a small pile of nonperishable canned goods. A backup food supply like that would be a huge benefit and most likely help the remaining players and teams avoid a lot of risky situations in the near future.
Well, either the sign is accurate or it is not. Either "Tommy" is watching the teams with a gun in his hand right now or he isn't. Is he even still alive? Was he bluffing when the sign was written?
The teams will have an opportunity to eat tomorrow, but a backup food supply like this would be huge. Plus, who knows what kind of situation the potential meal will present itself in. Sure it is a risky situation, but most of them seem to be. Let's see what the options are.
OPTION 1 – Run and try to grab a can quick then try to run away.
OPTION 2 – Run away as fast and as far as you can.
OPTION 3 - Run and try to grab all of the cans then try to run away.
OPTION 4 - Shout, "Hey Tommy. I'm friendly, can we talk?"
OPTION 5 - Have one team member slowly make a move for the cans while the other team member covers them with their gun. This option is for teams with a gun. Let me know who is going in, and who is covering, with which gun if you choose this option.)
By way of reminder, I have predetermined all the outcomes ahead of time. The end result of each option has already been decided. Also, please only reply to this post if you are an active player who is participating. Once this season is over all others will be able to join in when I do my Season 5 signup post. Thank you.
Each Player must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post. Players that do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead, and will have to wait until Season 5 to join back in.
Also, please be sure that you make sure your reply is registered on the blockchain. Some players did not have their replies register in previous rounds, and were eliminated because of it.

The drawback of not having teammate here leading me to choose option 2.
Option 2 for me.
have to eat something in next round.
OPTION 1 – These teams/players used the Magnesium Firestarter to successfully boil and drink the water.
@louiscpt – unarmed - Magnesium Firestarter @marialin – rifle- Magnesium Firestarter – unarmed - Magnesium Firestarter
Option 2 for Team Shawie
@melaimomagwork @nixlco
The game is very interesting. Upvoted
I would have loved to get in on the fun, but I only joined Steem a few days ago. Next Season! :-)
Oh! looks like this is where the team would have been useful...
@deepapoudel, since we aren't a team, one of us has to risk grabbing the food supply so that at least one of us make it to the wining!! what say?
you're right!!
so, I would just run away ;) you try to make up cans :)
option 2 for me
shotgun ==>> option 2
Okay then,
I would ask tommy for a talk,
Option 4 for me,
Shotgun ==>> option 4
let's hope you get some cans :)
Sure sure :)
Option 1 for me :)
I would go with option 2
What do you think Cousin Bo? If Daisy was here to distract Tommy maybe we could try to grab some cans, but it's just us so maybe we should move on and keep looking for the General Lee. How do you feel about it?
I agree Cousin Luke , with Daisy being so busy working @ the Boars nest she can't distract ole Tommy . He's an old moonshiner from back in the day and meaner than a possum stuck in log!!Option 2 , lets git!
The game is very interesting.
Im on 99 followers, who can get get me to 100 ?
RIP @redeemed – unarmed RIP @knowledge1 – shotgun RIP @mikegun – unarmed RIP @scooter77 – pistol
Oh well, maybe try again next time :) Neat game, makes one think!
When's the next game. I didnt start at the beginning but I'm really interested!
Once all these teams perish, I'll do a GAME OVER POST, a RECAP POST, and then a SEASON 5 SIGN UP.
This game was fun. Enjoyed doing my research but of course that didn't help. :) Look forward to Season 5.
Thank you very much for investing so much time into creating these games for us.
OPTION 4 – LEAVE WITHOUT EVEN TRYING TO DRINK. I tried to make things clear in the last round by using sentences like these:
Still, some players chose option 4 and have perished due to a lack of hydration.
RIP @drakos – unarmed RIP @vigux – pistol – 3 OZ Silver – back up food supply = beef jerky RIP @hiimamazing – unarmed RIP @jdawg – pistol – back up food supply = beef jerky
Valar Morghulis! gg xD
Good luck to all.
Thanks Double P.
lol They would've died without the right teammate anyway.
Hey what are you thinking here? I say 1 go in for the cans 1 guard with 5. U guard with the rifle, I go in for the cans? Or play it safe and run? Also a good option. Let me know I'm 60/40. For 5 and 2.
Well, I remember this scenario from last season. That time he turned out to be friendly, however I doubt that means anything for this season.
About option 5, I'm sure the rifle would come in handy then. However, we don't really know where the guy is at, and the only way to find out is if he shoots. Basically, I think option 5 will result in either one of us dead.
Same for option 1 and 3.
So, yeah, I'm torn between option 4 and option 5. We're supposed to get another opportunity to eat tomorrow, but the decision we'll have to make then will probably be just as risky as this one.
But if you think we should risk it with running away and waiting, we could do that as well.
I am thinking 4 or 5 also. If I had to pick I would say 4 though. You okay with that?
Hey, sorry for the late reply. Yeah, we could risk it with option 4 and hope for the best. We'll have to give away at least one of our guns tho. It's the only thing we have to negotiate with.
Now, if you remember the first rounds when we chose our weapons, he said the rifles and shotguns were harder to conceal. If he does negotiate, he'll likely want the rifle.
Either way, I'll let you make the call.
K sounds good I'll reply with 4
I was hoping to find a river soon. But oh well. Option 3 and 4 were pretty much the same, we were doomed anyways 😭.
However, that 3 OZ Silver could have saved @vigux life. In fact, silver is a powerful antibiotic, people can suspend a pure silver coin in a barrel of water to prevent (and kill) any bacteria growth.
I like games!)
I have no idea what any of this is, but im very very intrigued.
are we allow to choose something from the list above, because that fireball option sounds pretty bad ass
It is a daily elimination game. Players who sign up at the beginning get to try to outlast all other players and teams. The winners get the prize pool.
You can sign up to play in Season 5 once this season is over.
Do we have to send you pics??
No, this is an elimination game. Only players already playing can participate. You can sign up for next season once this one finishes. If you are looking for my photo contest, check the link below.
All you need to do to enter that one submit a photo of a person with a steemit logo in the photo.
Makes sense i will have a look thanks..
This game seems fun :D
How can I join in? If I understand correctly, if I want to play, I have to say it at the beginning of the next season, correct? Can anybody join or are there some requirements?
Anyone can join. And yes, you have to wait for the next season to sign up.
Alright then, I'm looking forward to it :)
OPTION 4 - Shout, "Hey Tommy. I'm friendly, can we talk?"
Papa, I asked something to you on
What a kickass game!!
Thanks for all your efforts 👍@papa-pepper Ha-ha, Keep sharing the fun! 😃
OPTION 4 - Shout, "Hey Tommy. I'm friendly, can we talk?"
Being friendly & non violent have gotten me as far as this atleast... :)
Oh, NOW you use the Firestarter!!
Drink the water, you unpreppared preppers!! I dare you!!
Muhaaahaaahaaa!! Ghost of DeanLogic dares you!
AHahahahah what is this ? :D
Interesting... see if you can mention me so I can play next time..I have never played this.. @papa-pepper
I get too many requests for that to keep track of them all.
Hey man. Just FYI - I think there is someone trying to steal your good name (papa-peper). That's YOUR name. Anyways, not sure if you knew
Option 3
This Tom or Tommy fella keeps popping up, I will leave him in peace, and take option 2.
By the end of this game I will have run a marathon.
Team Gogetters here:
With @scorchdojo's firestarter we managed to make a nice little campfire to boil the water from the puddle. It didn't get rid of the stale taste, but at least we got hydrated and warmed up a little bit. Now our stomachs are grumbling again. Looking at Tommy's RV, we decide to snatch ourselves one can of... whatever it is, hopefully food. Since I go the shotgun, I'll give @scorchdojo coverage while he sneaks up to the cans, keeping a sharp eye out for Tommy. No sign of him so far...
Alright @ahsin, you saved my life, now we see if I can return the favor! I don't know if this "Tommy" is the same person as "Tom", but we didn't leave off on good terms last time! Thoughts on how to proceed?
@herpetologyguy Glad that you have rifle. What do u say if we go with the option4 to be friend with Tommy or option 5 to give cover while taking the cans. What do you think?
I was kinda leaning towards option 4 as well.
@herpetologyguy lets freeze option 4 then. Please confirm.
go for it. option 4!
I like your articles do not forget to follow me @nawir Check your ranking now
That sucks! RIP @jdawg I would have died either way. Thanks for the fun game @papa-pepper! I made it a lot farther this time around than I did last time. Can't wait until next season!
Yeah, a lot of folks ran into a dead end on that round. Such is survival.
Thanks for playing along!
I'd love to try to barter with Tommy for one of those cans, but having used my water purification tablets, I don't have anything left to trade. Best to take Tommy at his word and skedaddle. Option 2.
correct me if i'm wrong, but you have used this picture many times, have you not?
The basic photo? Yes, but the message has changed each season. I like to use it as a scenario in each season with different variables.
Why do you ask?
I've seen it so many times, I thought that I was hallucinating.
Turns out, I wasn't :D
Feeling all alone out there i will take the chance and ask Tommy for some food and he might just have a weapon for me I HOPE :)
Option 4
Glad I got shot in the bushes then, because stomach born illness sucks worse than dying by gunfire! I've died like six times both ways in real life, though the worst was being shot by a toxic super soaker! Good times! :D
Meanwhile, @papa-pepper I got replies showing from you in but our entire conversation is missing and my replies disappear when i hit send. Not the case on other channels there, only ours. Very odd. Not sure how to continue the chat now, but find me on discord, I'm @sircork there too. thanks!
@tokar854 pistol @mraldo rifle
Makeshift Team shall go with option 4. Hoping Tommy is friendly also.